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Should The Government Be Able To Monitor Internet Content

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" “We the people of the United State, in order to form a more perfect union…” A quote from the Constitution, the guide for all American citizens. Written by James Madison and other delegates of the Constitutional Convention, the Constitution outlines the freedoms and rights of the American citizens and the government. However, there are some cases in which the Constitution is not followed correctly, or it is not specific enough in certain areas. For instance, the issue on if the government has the right to monitor internet content is a controversial topic. Some believe that the government should monitor internet content, and some believe that the government should not monitor internet content. The government should be able to monitor internet content. With the world changing the way it is, the government needs to be able to monitor internet content to keep the country and people safe and tranquil. …show more content…
Everyone wants the reassurance that themselves and their families are safe. With modern technology, messages and calls can be sent in seconds that could be harmful to citizens in the United States. For example, there are many forms of bullying that can happen online or teens can send inappropriate pictures to others on social media. Also, plans could be made that are related to terrorism online. Shooting or attack plans could be made with other people to harm citizens. According to The Heritage Foundation, it states that the Constitution’s framers viewed the security of America to be the responsibility of the federal government. The Constitution gives people the freedoms that they need, but it also was created based on the fact that the federal government was responsible for America’s security. Therefore, the government should be able to monitor internet content in order to keep the country

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