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The Importance Of Net Neutrality

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"The government has the duty to monitor internet content to the extent of our nation’s safety. If what is being posted or uploaded on the internet is not harmful to our nation’s security and safety and isn’t against the laws established in our country, it shouldn’t be filtered or censored. Net neutrality, according to the ACLU, is being taken away by the Trump FCC, our government. This I believe would give the government too much power over something that was supposed to be free for the people to access, within the laws of our country. Without net neutrality, big business would have the ability to control our access to certain websites and information based on how they felt about the topic. The government in turn would be able to control those businesses and that is too much control over something that was invented for the free-sharing of information across a broad scale. …show more content…
Freedom of speech isn’t just the words that come out of your mouth, it’s the words you write, on paper or keyboard. It’s the ability to say what you think is right or wrong without someone forcing you to think or act a certain way. This absence of net neutrality would not only be violating our freedom of speech but also our freedom of expression. If big business, and in turn the government, could limit or censor what we, the people, could see how could we express ourselves? How could we possibly find out what is going on in the world if our government is spoon-feeding us what they want to? Freedom of expression is so much more than what it sounds. It’s the expression of ideas and ideals, of new discoveries and methods. I don’t believe all these things and more would be possible if the government was controlling our every move on the

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