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Poverty Point Research Paper

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Monuments are a symbol of a considerable time in history. They represent life, death, success, and struggle. They transport the past lively to new generations, and good or bad memories to those who were present in that. Many people feel a well-built sense of loyalty and patriotism when they view a monument. Also, those monuments help bring out those feelings of nationalism. Millions of people from all over the world go to the city where they are building just to appreciate them. Monuments make people reflex and think about an important event. Some of them are places where people go to spend time with their families and to experiments new experiences. One of those national monuments that are very famous in the United States is called Poverty …show more content…
Some people believe numerous thousands of people lived at the Poverty Point site, but others think it was an encampment where people had to live temporarily during events only. However the reality is that those places are acceptable for just a few families, and the biggest places were accepted for a dozen of families. Furthermore, Poverty Point people also had temporary campsites, where they can spend the night away from home making hunting or parties, as they prefer. Villages are different from one another in more ways than just the size. Some sites in Poverty Point group had fake mounds and C-shaped embankments. Usually, the larger the site, the larger the mounds were …show more content…
Special thanks go to Representative Francis Thompson of Delhi for his enthusiastic support and encouragement. The Louisiana Division of Archaeology, Office of Culture, Recreation, and Tourism made this research possible. Our thanks go to Dr. Thomas Eubanks, State Archaeologist, and Nancy Hawkins, Archaeologist Manager, for their advice, encouragement, support, and persistence. We are also indebted to the Office of State Parks for their many services. The Poverty Point dorm was a wonderful place to stay. We could not have asked for better accommodations. Funding for equipment used during the Poverty Point Mapping Project came from the Louisiana Educational Quality Support Fund. (The 1999 Poverty Point Mapping Project). Today, the Poverty Point site is owned by the state of Louisiana and is managed by the Office of State Parks as the Poverty Point State Historic Site. It is open for the public at an estimated time so people can go to visit. There are located a visitor center, museum, and an archaeological research laboratory. People who go there came back with extraordinaire images in their mind; they all said that the work of everything there is

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