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Practitioner's Fatigue: A Case Study

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Another common injury that result out of practitioner’s fatigue is the failure to follow certain procedures. In most cases, when a patient gets out of surgery, there are some procedures that must be followed so that the patient can recover successfully. It is essential for a nurse to administer the correct amount of oxygen to a patient and to be aware of the right type of medication required for each patient. In the event that the nurse responsible for such a patient is fatigued and fails to follow the right procedures, the patient may experience further injury or complications that may cause him or her to repeat the surgery (Rockstraw & Wilson, 2012). Also, fatigue causes some nurses to use shortcuts in providing care to their patients. The …show more content…
In most cases, medical procedures are often complicated and require one to be adequately prepared physically, emotionally and psychologically. A simple mistake can result in loss of life. Working for long hours will make one exhausted and not be able to be in the right state of mind due to fatigue. Hall et al. (2016) indicate that "one in every twenty prescriptions done during the overtime contains a medical error" that may result in the death of the patient. When such an incident occurs, the hospital will be most affected because of its reputation. Since the healthcare practitioners do not want such an occurrence to happen, they always dedicate themselves to working extra hours despite the fatigue (Joyce et al., 2010). Furthermore, sometimes the hospitals give healthcare practitioners increased expectations to deliver. This is in most cases when a hospital is operating on a low budget and would like to maximize its profits. As a result, healthcare practitioners are made to work for extra hours so as to increase income. Healthcare practitioners operating under such pressure to deliver are easily prone to medical errors that can be

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