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Einstein Wrong-Big Bell Test

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Proving Einstein wrong- Big Bell Test shows Einstein was wrong on spooky action at a distance langford (52) in steemstem • 2 days ago

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A new study recently conducted has brought contradictions to one of the cornerstones of quantum mechanics. This experiment took a team of 12 physicists from 10 different countries , over 100,000 volunteer gamers and over 97 million data units all of which were randomly generated by hand. This experiment was carried out to test for quantum entanglement which was referred to as spooky action at a distance by Albert Einstein.

Entanglement is an aspect of quantum mechanics that many found distressing and unexpected including those who developed quantum mechanics. According to the mathematics of quantum mechanics, you should be able to set up two entangled particles in two distant locations let's say one in London and the other in Manchester, with each of these particles being in an indefinite state or in more modern term referred to as spin. Particles spin, if the particle is spinning clockwise we say it's spinning up while if it's spinning counterclockwise we say it's spinning down. The idea is having two entangled particles at different locations, each …show more content…
In this test, pairs of entangled particles for instance photons are generated and then sent to different location after which the properties of the photons such as it's color or time of arrival are measured. If the results of the measurement of these properties agree, irrespective of the property that was measured then it implies that the measurement of one particle affects the other which is strange as they were placed far away from each other. Another strange assumption will be that the properties never existed at first but were created by the measurement. Anyway you put it both contradicts local realism as explained

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