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'Coloring The Workforce' By Valerie Keys

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Before coming to class, we were assigned to read pages 51-60 in the composition guide. We were assigned these essays because they are researched argumentative essays. Our final paper coming up soon will also be an argumentative essay. The first essay I read was "Coloring the Workforce" by Valerie Keys. I found this essay to be very helpful. The essay not only talked about African Americans struggling in the workforce, but it focused on African American women. The essay gave very relevant examples and statistics which helped with its validity. There was also an abundance of sources at the end which help verify that the author did their research.
The second essay I read was "Anabolic-Androgenic Steroid Literature Review" by Vanessa Parslow. …show more content…
The topic was not one that I am very interested in or intrigued by so when I read it I found myself not fully understanding what the author might have intended. The good part about this essay is that there were lots of sources and examples all throughout the essay. It was a very solid and well put together essay, it was just not one I would read for fun. Overall, I really enjoyed reading the essay examples before each paper because it really gave me a feel for what I was shooting for rather than being left in the dark and assuming what I was supposed to do based on my prior knowledge. I was able to see well-constructed and thoroughly evaluated essays and I really think this benefited me in the long run with my essays.

Page Break Journal 7
John Kelly and the Language of the Military Coup
For our in-class assignment, we were asked to read an article in The New Yorker. The author, Masha Gessen, used four main arguments that all related back to her main point that if we were to have a military coup in the United States, this is the language that would be used. The first point that Gessen made was that John Kelly's statement basically said that if you have never served in the …show more content…
I really enjoyed writing it and creating my presentation. There were a bunch of presentations that really intrigued me. On day one of presentations, I had a hard time choosing my favorite. Kyle caught my eye first with his presentation on how Transgenders should be allowed to serve in our military. He is always fun to listen to. He has good presenting techniques and he can always make his audience laugh. I also really liked the way he chose to present his topic. With the cost being his main point. The argument is that it would be expensive to accommodate these individuals; however, he explained how the military has a budget big enough to make this happen without any problems. Kyles presentation was later followed by John. John is always a great presenter, no matter what he is taking about. He is intelligent and listening to him is so easy. He draws in the audience and keeps them drawn in the whole time. I love watching him present. His presentation was on PTSD in our troops. I had never really understood the extent of this issue until I listened to him talk. After class, I was so interested that I actually researched it on my own. On day two, the presentations were fairly dull and boring. Nick's topic was on that I found really interesting. His question "Is there a God?" Is a very controversial topic and is definitely a question that I have asked myself before. I wasn’t really sure what his actual research was, but my

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