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Lore Greiner Research Paper

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Lori Greiner has multiple occupations including, inventor, entrepreneur, television personality, author and an investor. As a child Lori grew up near the north side of chicago, her mother was psychologist while her father was real estate developer. Lori didn't have an easy childhood, at nine years old her parents got divorce, she decided to stay with her mom during this time. As a child it was always Lori's dream to become a famous journalist, although both her parents own their own businesses, she decided to push to be an entrepreneur.
Lori attended Loyola University Chicago which then she majored in communication. While in college she started to grow a fond for jewelry, her interest in jewelry leaded ber to sell jewelry in college, this was her first product she maden money off of. She was also interested in writing plays, she composed some for a short period of time. While attending the university she also concentrated on television. …show more content…
Although she was first recognized when she patented a jewelry box that can hold up to one hundred earrings. After a year she became rich from the sales she made off of her earrings. But she has hosted television program called Clever and Unique Creations, wrote and produced by Lori Greiner. She is also known as the founder and president of For You Ease Only Inc., this coming is based in chicago since 1996. Her first airing on Shark Tank was in 2012, there she invested in Scrub Daddy, this was a texture changing households sponges. With her as the investor, these sponges sold extremely fast. Lori has invested into multiple companies, such as Readerest, FiberFix, Squatty Potty, Paint Brush Cover, screenmend and more. She is also an author of a Wall Street Journal Best Seller, Invent it, Sell it, Bank it! - Make Your Million Dollar Idea into a Reality. Lori is also known as The Queen of QVC. Lori has net worth of approximately two hundred and fifty million

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