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How To Survive The Holocaust

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6 million Jews died in the Holocaust, but some survived. Those that made it through the Holocaust went through much pain and hardship, often losing loved ones or their home. To survive, they had to push through sorrow and fear, and hope luck would be on their side. But it wasn’t all up to luck, as many made it through by their own skills or bravery. People survived the horrors of concentration camps, discrimination, and hiding during the Holocaust, and their stories are remembered through fighting against ignorance of the crimes committed by literature and films of today.

Jews had to overcome terrible conditions and disease in concentration camps, which can be clearly seen the book Eva’s Story. The water was unsanitary and “carries typhus …show more content…
There was a school in Whitwell, Tennessee that came up with a project to help inform their students about the Holocaust and the number of victims, as the students found the number 6 million hard to visualize. They started to ask around for and collect paper clips, as they deemed it an easy item to gather 6 million of. They soon found it would be more difficult and reached out for help from famous persons and celebrities. It still wasn’t enough and they made a website to ask for more. The newspaper Washington Post’s editor was curious about the project after reading a book published in Germany about the book and visited Whitwell. Afterwards, she posted an article about it. Other media and news outlets also picked up on the story, and informed people about the Holocaust and the importance of remembering and memorial. The students learned even more about the Holocaust as the project progressed, such as how the Nazis systematically murdered “political opponents, Socialists, Communists, handicapped people, Jehovah’s Witnesses, homosexuals, and others…(Schroeder & Schroeder-Hildebrand 25)” The classed pledged to get 11 million paper clips instead of the 6 million originally planned, to remember everyone who had died. In the end of the project, they had succeeded in making a memorial to honor the 11 million Holocaust victims and also helped inform people that the Holocaust killed millions and needed to be both talked about and remembered for a long time so it could not happen again.The students had fought against their own ignorance and won. They widened their eyes to a world outside their own and opened other’s eyes and in the process gained knowledge to help others become more

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