Premium Essay

Auschwitz: Abwehr To Extermination Camps

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Auschwitz was built by Oswiecim, Poland (The Auschwitz Album: The Story of a Death Factory). It was 37 miles west of Krakow and one of 4 concentration camps in Poland (Auschwitz: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum). Many Jews were transported to Auschwitz by trains (Auschwitz: Gale Student Resources in Context). Auschwitz would become a death machine killing more than 1 million people.
Auschwitz was a concentration camp, built by the Nazis in April of 1940 (Wigoder, Abwehr to Extermination Camps). Most prisoners did not survive Auschwitz. It was liberated on January 27, 1945 (Wigoder, Abwehr to Extermination Camps). The fact that most prisoners did not survive Auschwitz means that Auschwitz was a key component of the Holocuast.
Auschwitz was founded to be the answer to the Jewish question (Wigoder, Abwehr to Extermination Camps). It was the largest concentration camp (Wigoder, Abwehr to Extermination Camps), being 15.44 square miles (Auschwitz: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum). Auschwitz also had 3 main camps and over 40 sub camps (The Auschwitz Album: The Story of a Death Factory). Auschwitz was the worst concentration camp of all.
The Nazis killed 1.1 to 1.5 million people at Auschwitz (The Auschwitz Album: The Story of a Death Factory). Only 20% were selected to work (The Auschwitz Album: …show more content…
The Nazis accused the Jews of huge events like losing World War l and the economic crisis. Although this was not true, many people believed him. They thought that the solution to this problem was to exterminate the Jews. Even though Hitler didn’t invent the hatred of the Jews, he built off of and used anti semitic ideas. The Nazis also thought that people could be divided into different races and the Aryan race was the best races. They considered the Jews inferior to them. Since the Nazis thought that Jews were inferior to everybody else, tons of Jews were killed (4,869,860 to

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