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Adolf Hitler's Propaganda Speech

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he was an ordinary man. This particular propaganda gave birth to the slogans like ‘Adolf Hitler is the victory’ and ‘The Fuehrer is always right’. The poster (figure.1.4) which condemned the ban on Hitler’s public speech from 1927 launched Hitler as “The man from the people, for the people! The German front soldier who risked his life in 48 battles for Germany!” The creation of the 'Führer-myth', illustrated Hitler as a charismatic superman and people’s man was one of the techniques of persuasion. It was propagated that Adolf Hitler was one of the few state leaders who did not take medals or decorations. He only wore a single medal that he earned as a soldier displaying the greatest personal bravery. When he travelled he slept in the same …show more content…
To promote the idea of careful segregation of scarp, Hitler as a worker is shown messing up with the scrap. The posters from the series ‘It's Hitler's if It's Scrapped’ shows a caricature of Hitler in different situations eyeing the scarp. A worker watches as Hitler walks, pushing a trolley with a box containing metal scrap on it. A male and female worker watch as Adolf Hitler walks, carrying a box filled with metal scrap on his back. A female worker is shown operating a piece of industrial machinery. She looks towards Hitler, who stands to the right leaning on a trolley, and sticks her tongue out at him. A metal dustbin, overflowing with various pieces of waste paper is shown. A caricature of Adolf Hitler's face is positioned on the side of the bin cautioning people to not let the enemy at the backdoor have their waste paper. Hitler is shown pinned underneath a pile of cardboard boxes and various other salvaged items. The lower image depicts various military items: the naval guns of a ship; three aircraft in flight; several tanks; a silhouetted battleship; and soldiers using artillery guns. The poster promotes salvage, telling people that every scrap they save will help hold Hitler down. A similar poster shows Hitler and Benito Mussolini sitting on the ground, looking dejected. Various metal, glass and paper salvaged items, such as bottles, are thrown at them. The lower image is a montage of a shipyard worker and four female workers. They are shown engaged in munitions work, operating machinery or driving a tractor. The figures are interspersed with images of factories and a shipyard. The poster promotes salvage by telling people that every bit they save will hit the enemy harder and help their folks at home. A hand is shown throwing small pieces of metal onto a large pile of scrap. Another hand emerges from the pile, formed into a fist which knocks down the figure of Hitler. A housewife is shown

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