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Pa of Leadership


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Vision of establishing company
Manish Bajagain
Kings College Affiliated with Westcliff University
Bus 325 Introduction to leadership
Professor Dr. Yvan Nezerwe

In this paper, I have discussed my personal vision. And also discussed the company vision. An in this paper I have also discussed my personal vision and values. And how does it differ from company vision or allied with company vision?
Keywords: vision, value etc.

Vision should inspire followers and it is done by creating a positive and attractive view of the future (Manning & Curtis, 2012). A Clear vision of the company helps leader and flowers to keep organizations on the right track. Declaring what company, groups or organizations wants to do is known as vision.
Vision of My Company
The vision of my company is to be leading wrought iron furniture industries in Nepal and go in an international market.
My personal vision I personal believe in hard work and achieve things. Every time when I close my eyes I see myself in the airport transit travelling for the business meeting. And my personal vision is travel all over the world. Vision should not be vague and it should be made one day. It should the final output of what you have planned (Harvard Business Review, n.d.).
Co-relation between my vision and company vision
The vision of my company starts what I have thought. My personal vision of travelling worlds shapes my business vision to open the outlet in each corner of the world. There co-relation between my vision and company vision because my company vision is to leading wrought iron furniture in Nepal and enter in an international market and I see myself in airports to do the business deal in the foreign country to open my furniture showroom. This brings relation between my company dream and my dream

My values and company value aligned because my dream is concurred all furniture industries and bring my furniture in leading position. It also implies me in making more connection with people to get my business expanded in all over the world (Olver & Mooradian, 2003).

Harvard Business Review. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Olver, J. M., & Mooradian, T. A. ( 2003, July). personality Traits and personal Values: a conceptual and empirical integration. personality and individual differences, 35(1). doi:10.1016/S0191-8869(02)00145-9
Manning, G., & Curtis, K. (2012). The art of leadership. New York: Mc Graw Hill Irwin.

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