...Determine where each agency lies in the administrative structure of the federal government. Identify it as an executive department or an independent agency. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: Serves an executive department and the primary federal manager of the nation’s water resources. The Corps builds coastal fortifications, surveys roads and canals, maintain much of the nation’s navigation and flood damage reduction infrastructure and regulates the issuance of Clean Water Act dredge and fill and other permits to the private sector. The Corps has transformed our nation’s rivers and coasts, constructing 12,000 miles of inland waterway navigation channels, 8,500 miles of levees and seawalls, and more than 600 dams (usace.army.mil). The agency also dredges more than 200 million cubic yards of material each year from the nation’s rivers and harbors and when Congress added environmental protection to the Corps mission areas, it grew to include some of the nation’s most controversial restoration projects. The Bureau of Land Management: An independent agency and a small agency with a big mission to sustain the health, productivity and diversity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations. It administers more public land-over 250 million surface acres than other federal agency in the U. S. located in 12 west states, including Alaska. The BLM also manages 700 million acres of sub-surface mineral estate throughout the nation (blm.gov). Since...
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...Part I: The Operating Budget for Charles County Maryland Strayer University PAD 505 October 29, 2015 Introduction Charles County was created by an Order in Council in 1658. The County was named for the 3rd Lord Baltimore, Charles Calvert (1637-1715) who lived in Maryland from 1661 to 1684 before returning to England. Charles Calvert was Proprietor of the Maryland colony from 1675 to 1689, until he lost his right to govern. Maryland was governed as a royal colony, from 1692 until Calvert's death in 1715. Charles County is located in Southern Maryland, along the banks of the Potomac River, just south of Washington D.C. Charles County in bounded south & west by Potomac; east by St. Mary's County; north by Prince George's County. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the county has a total area of 643 square miles and estimated population of 154,747 and an estimated population growth thru 2030 of 204,200. There are several divisions within Charles County such as Fiscal and Administrative Services, Public Works, Community Services, Planning and Growth Management, Health Services, Social Services, Economic Development, Conservation of Natural Resources, and Financing Uses. The mission of Charles County Government is to provide its citizens the highest quality service possible in a timely, efficient and courteous manner. To achieve this goal, its government must be operated in an open and accessible atmosphere, be based on comprehensive long- and short-term planning and...
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...Part I: The Operating Budget for the City of Raleigh PAD505 April 27, 2016 Introduction The city government in Raleigh North Carolina is made up of a number of different departments. These include the Budget and Management Services, City Clerk, City Manager, Development Services, Finance, Fire, Hosing and Neighborhoods, Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources, Public Affairs, and others that help maintain the city and surrounding areas throughout the year. With all of these departments you will see a multitude of goals and missions. However, by taking a look at the city council of the city it is clear to see that sustainability is a huge goal for the city. In December 2009 the city council reaffirmed its mission statement to include sustainability. “We are a 21st Century city of innovation focusing on environmental, cultural, and economic sustainability, we welcome growth and diversity through policies and programs that will protect, presser and enhance Raleigh’s existing neighborhoods, natural amenities, rich history, and cultural and human resources for future generations.” (Raleigh's Commitment,) The goal of the city is to be able to work with the universities, colleges, citizens and regional partners to promote emerging technologies, create new jobs and cultivate local businesses and entrepreneurs. These goals can be seen when looking at things like the large Research Triangle Park that provides numerous jobs, and learning opportunities for residents. To obtain all...
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...Free eChapters (FALL 2012) eChapters offer students immediate access to the first few chapters of their textbooks while they are waiting for the print book to arrive. eChapters help students to keep up with required reading and assignments until they receive their course material, without having to pay expedited shipping costs. eChapters that are available from the publisher are attainable free of charge. How do students gain access to free eChapters? Not all courses or textbooks have eChapters available. For all courses where eChapters are available, the files are located in the student’s Blackboard course shell under the Student Center. Below is a list of courses with eChapters loaded into the course shells, giving students free access as of the first day of classes. * = eChapters are forthcoming Course ID ACC100 ACC206 ACC303 ACC304 ACC305 ACC306 Text Title Accounting Principles – 9th edition Accounting Principles – 9th edition Intermediate Accounting 14e Intermediate Accounting 14e Intermediate Accounting 14e Microcomputer Applications for Accounting Excel 2010 Microsoft® Excel 2010: A Case Approach, Complete, 1st Edition, copyright 2011 SOUTH WESTERN FEDERAL TAXATION 2012: COMPREHENSIVE, 36th ed. South-Western Federal Taxation 2013: Corporations, Partnerships, Estates and Trusts, 36th Edition Cost Accounting 13th 09 ed. Advanced Accounting 4th 10th ed. Auditing & Assurance Services 13th 10 ed. Core Concepts of Government and Not for Profit Accounting 2nd ed., 2011 ed ACC...
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