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Pain Management


Submitted By lacmiller
Words 2565
Pages 11
Pain Management: A concept Analysis
Laura Miller
Sacred Heart University

Pain Management: A concept Analysis
Millions suffer from acute or chronic pain every year and the effects of pain exact a tremendous cost on our country in health care costs, rehabilitation and lost worker productivity, as well as the emotional and financial burden it places on patients and their families. The costs of unrelieved pain can result in longer hospital stays, increased rates of re-hospitalization, increased outpatient visits, and decreased ability to function fully leading to lost income and insurance coverage (American academy of pain medicine,2006). The most often used definition for pain is: an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage (Chandra & Ozturk, 2005, p.34; Loeser & Melzack, 1999, p.1607; McHugh & Thoms, 2001, p.33). The aim is to improve communication, develop tools to evaluate the effectiveness of pain management, and how it can be the solution in decreasing the cost of unrelieved pain, decrease re-hospitalization and also improve function and quality of life.
Current use and historical perspective
Individuals have a great tendency to treat their pain before seeking any medical assistance. Every culture has some type of home remedy that they rely on to treat any type of element including pain. According to Bonica, Pain is as old as humankind and Humankind has been suffering from pain from the days of Adam and Eve. The causes, mechanisms, and treatment of pain have been elusive, however, from earliest times until now. The conceptual models for the causes in origin of pain, as well as its treatment, have run parallel to physical models of the universe in each period of history. Great strides have been made in dealing with acute pain mechanisms, but this is definitely

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