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Paleontology Research Paper

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Paleontology, the study and digging up if fossils of prehistoric animals, is a career I wish to pursue because I have been interested in dinosaurs since I was three years old, I want to learn more about these fascinating animals, and I want to help the world appreciate these ancient animals. The only challenges I see in getting a job in this career field is traveling expenses and location. This career has been my dream job since I was five after I watched Jurassic Park and learned what Paleontologists did. My main interest in this career is meeting my favorite creatures on Earth.
Paleontology is the study and digging up of prehistoric animals. There have been many discoveries dating back to 1822 all the way to even today. Dinosaur fossils …show more content…
One feature is being able to help teach others about these prehistoric creatures. Another feature would be being able to travel the world and learn more about different cultures. Making new discoveries to study and learn about is also a feature. Expanding what is already known about these animals, and maybe finding out what each one was actually like is another attractive feature in this career.
Along with attractive features there are some negative aspects to Paleontology. One negative aspect is the long periods of time spent away from home. There are also the traveling expenses if the current dig does not have any or proper funding. Another negative aspect would be the cost of equipment and any other needed expenses. The risk of failing an expedition is one really big negative aspect, because of the added risk of losing funding, time, and wasting …show more content…
One benefit is learning and discovering more about dinosaurs through their fossils. Some more benefits are: being able to travel, taking a vacation where ever the dig site is, contributing to society, and seeing many beautiful countries, places, buildings, and fossils. Another benefit is being able to take a family vacation to a dig site, thus having a vacation and working at the same time. A big benefit would be contributing to the museums which can contribute to the learnings of students in schools, and even adults who may or may not be in school.
The chances of me getting a job as a Paleontologist are very slim in my current living area, however if I was to move to a proper area, my chances would greatly increase. I am currently working on finishing my high school years to get my diploma. I have great knowledge of many species of dinosaurs already, and I am still learning more as I continue on through my everyday life. I have the right drive and motivation to work for a job in Paleontology, and I am already working on a plan to cover all the expenses needed to get equipment, funding, help, and my college

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