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Diabetic Experiment Essay

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A small experiment was carried out with two subjects, both male teenagers, age 15 years and 17 years, to test blood glucose levels when breakfast was skipped and when breakfast was consumed.
Normal glucose levels range for fasting bloods: Normal glucose levels range after meals
Ideal (non-diabetic) 3.8-6.1 moll/l Ideal (non-diabetic) 4.4 - 7.0 moll/l
Optimal (target goal) 4.0-7.0 mmol/l Optimal (target goal) 5.0 - 11.0 moll/l

Importance of maintaining optimal blood glucose levels:
Low blood sugar levels causes shakiness, lethargy, malaise, fatigue, feelings of hunger also a slight increase in heart rate .Blood glucose level below 3.9 moll/l , will result in progressive loss of mental function and will eventually lead to passing …show more content…
19 learners rate their concentration as Attentive in the first lesson. 16 learners rate their concentration as Responsive in the first lesson. 10 learners rate their concentration as Quiet in the first lesson. 4 learners rate their concentration as disruptive in the first lesson. 13 learners rate their concentration as tired in the first lesson. 14 learners rate their concentration as Attentive in the Second lesson. 22 learners rate their concentration as Responsive in the second lesson. Eight learners rate their concentration as Quiet in the Second lesson. Two learners rate their concentration as Disruptive in the Second lesson. Nine learners rate their concentration as tired in the Second lesson. 12 learners rate their concentration as Attentive in the Lesson before break. 10 learners rate their concentration as responsive in the lesson before break. 8 learners rate their concentration as quiet in the Lesson before break. 12 learners rate their concentration as disruptive in the Lesson before break. 8 learners rate their concentration as tired in the lesson before break. There is definitely a change in levels of concentration from the first lesson to the third lesson. Low blood sugar levels cause shakiness, lethargy, malaise and fatigue. Blood glucose levels drop below 3.9 mmol/ l there will be a progressive impairment of mental function, alertness and trouble thinking clearly or concentrating , Nall R, (

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