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Criminal Justice Career

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If you are thinking about a career in the criminal justice system, then you have chosen an exciting career path that is constantly developing. The question is, what type of job would best fit you? There are plenty to choose from, but I would like to really focus on a few today such as probation, parole, and community corrections, such as prison and jails. While many people think probation and parole are equivalent, they in fact have many variances which I will explain to you. But why choose a career in criminal justice? In today’s day and age, it is no longer a safe job to have and while that may be true, there are many perks to having a career in this field. The main reason people enter the law enforcement field is because they have a strong …show more content…
For example, demanding that they obey the law, get together with probation or parole officers to go over their current situation, along with finding employment and maintain that employment. If offenders refuse or fail to live by the conditions of their probation or parole, it can result in being arrested and possible incarceration. Failure to maintain any of the conditions of their release is known as parole or probation violations. There are many pros and cons to parole and probation. Some advantages include, lower cost, increased employment, and increased use of community service. Programs like probation and parole can save states thousands of dollars each year. They also make it possible for offenders to work fulltime jobs. This makes it possible for them to support themselves and their families, while spending money and helping the economy. Offenders on probation and parole often take advantage of the services provided to them in the community such as, support groups, spiritual programs, therapy and substance abuse counseling like Alcoholics Anonymous. Two major disadvantages consist of a lack of punishment and a higher risk to the community. A lack of punishment is seen in both instances. With Parole, it makes it seem like the offender did not complete his entire prison sentence, and probation is seen as not being sentenced at all. Releasing an offender back into a community setting is a gamble as it is unknown …show more content…
There are many different jobs when it comes to facilities such as the warden, psychologists, counselors, area supervisors, program directors, instructors, and medical staff. Each of those jobs entail different schooling and degrees. As a Correction Officer, you would be responsible for the safekeeping and security of criminal offenders in Facilities. You would supervise the movement and activities of inmates; make periodic rounds of assigned areas and conduct searches for contraband. You would advise inmates on the rules and guidelines leading the operation of the facility and support them in resolving problems. You would play a role in the rehabilitating the offenders. You may also be required to carry firearms in the performance of certain duties. In New York State, you would be required to go through a medical examination, to make sure you are physically fit to perform the duties of your job. You will also go through psychological testing, and will be put through eight weeks of training, minimum, at the state training

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