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Personal Statement: A Career In Criminal Justice

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I first became interested in Criminal Justice when I was a young child. It all started at events such as Merlefest or ball games and even seeing people being pulled over just riding down the highway, I was able to tell that it was where I wanted to be in life. Helping people has always been something I enjoy doing, I love being able to help people with problems and keep the peace and protection at the same time. I believe that the Criminal Justice field would be perfect for me because I can do everything I like, helping people but also having fun while I do it.
As a young child I always often wondered what I would do as an adult and what my destiny would be. Unlike most children I decided very young what I wanted to be, and that decision was to be some type of …show more content…
When I was a young child I would always be out and about on the highways, I always saw these nice black and silver Dodge Chargers flying up the roads pulling cars over and thought to myself, hey I think that would be a really nice job, I mean hey how bad could it be? You drive all over town usually above the speed limit and write traffic tickets all day. Being a state trooper seemed to be an amazing job to me as a child, my mother had a good friend that was a state trooper and we would see him out in town from time to time and he always looked like he enjoyed his job, he had awesome uniform accessories such as a shiny badge and gun holster and just looked very professional and as a kid he just stood out and had a very intimidating look about him and it inspired me to want to be a

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