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The Virus: A Narrative Fiction

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Madison Browne, September 7th, 1954, USA

I leaned over my purple bed sheets, here it comes once again. I threw up bile into my usual bucket that was placed next to my bed. I knew it was going to be one of those nights again. I touched the back of my ice-cold hand to my sweating forehead. I forced my sore body to move to empty out the yellow vomit out of the bucket. I’m hoping this will be the last time I’ll ever have to do this.
“Honey, today is the day.” My mother replied. I know she’s only saying this to make me feel better. I stick my fork into my over-cooked eggs. “I know that they have been telling you for weeks that they are going to bring the vaccine in, but I really think that today is the day.” She exclaimed. I throw my fork down …show more content…

I walk down the streets. I missed my bus, surprise surprise. My school was only four blocks away. I walk down the filthy streets of my neighbourhood and wonder how I got this virus. I’ve heard on the news it was from faeces, but it’s also contagious, so maybe I got it from my friends. Whatever it is from, I sure have it, and I know I have it badly. I scratch the back of my arm, noticing a blistering red rash. This is weird, I haven’t heard of anyone having a rash on themselves. Maybe if I just wait it out, it will disappear.


I arrive at my school. Children are pushing each other to get to the gym. “I heard today is the day.” My friend whispered to me. There was a peculiar smell in the air; maybe rubbing alcohol. I feel weak. We were assigned by classes to be organized into groups. One by one, we were being placed into the chair. I looked up to this nice looking lady wearing a red-cross uniform. She opens up a case that held the vaccine and the 4 inch needle. The lady pulls my sleeve up to find the steaming rash. She looks confused. The lady takes a step back. I’m shaking with fear. She pulls another nurse over to look at my rash. “What do you think it is?” She whispered to the other nurse. The nurse takes a step back. She waves her arms in fear and walks …show more content…
I am not treating any child that already has the virus! I was told that these children just needed the vaccine!”. The nurse was acting frantic. I could read every word that they were saying across the room. I just sit here in the chair. The first nurse walks back over with a new face mask and a new thicker uniform. “Hi there, Madison? Is it?” She asks. I shake my head. “We weren’t completely aware of your, um, situation. But we are going to find the best solution as quick as we can.” I knew it was too late, I thought to myself. “Until we figure out what we are going to do, I need you to stay at home away from others. This virus spreads rapidly, and we don’t need anyone else to be infected with it. Do you understand that?” I can feel my heart racing. They will never be able to fix me at the point where I am now. I can feel my bones deteriorating. I get up from the chair and begin to walk

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