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YCJA Case Study Sample

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Pages 3
One case that I came across that shows the success of the YCJA principles, was a girl that had successfully completed a program, now is living a healthy, and a safe life. The crown attorney has asked for facts of the case, to enlighten the crown of the situation. This youth was found passed out in the washroom stalls at a A&W restaurant. The employees of the A&W called Calgary police, by then she was passed on the table. When officers asked her name, she provided them with a false identify. Once police figured out her real identity, it was then realized that she had several earlier convictions, and breached her probation order. This youth was charged with Misleading Justive-S.131(1) of the criminal code, Intoxication in public, obstructing …show more content…
Recently, the youth appeared to court with her mom and a representative from of the Siska Launch program. At the youth recent court date, the judge had commented on how good she appears compare to her other days she had came into the court. The judge commented on how the girl hair is long, silky, and straight, and she is not hunched anymore. This demonstrates with the crown wanting improvements of the offender. Moreover, at the recent court appearance, the youth had given a letter to the judge that had stated that she has learned from the past, and does not want to make the same mistakes, and she is ready to go back to school. The youth also realize that as she will be turn eighteen years old’s soon she will be treated under the law differently because she will be treated as a adult. In addition, a woman came on behalf of the Siska program to talk about the youth improvement in life, and have worked with her to reduce another chance of relapse. According to her probation report, she had been attending school, been in contact with the youth therapist, and been living with her mom. As of now, she is in good

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