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Dreams Research Paper

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Why are dreams so interesting? They combine fact and fantasy to form a story in our minds. This speech will cover the meanings of dreams, the stages of sleep, notable dreams and some scientific theories about dreams.

But what is a dream? Well, even today, on this very day nobody knows what a dream actually is. However there have been some explanations over the years. In the era when the Greek and Roman empires were established, they considered dreams as a religious context and believed that dreams were a direct message from the gods or the dead and that from these dreams, you could predict the future. More modern explanations are said that dreams are simply reflections of your subconscious or that dreams are made up of things that have happened …show more content…
Sleep is made up of 5 different stages. In the first stage your body makes the transition from being awake to falling asleep and in the second stage you enter a very light sleep, however you are still able to be woken up easily. In the third stage your body temperature adjusts and your muscles relax. In the fourth stage your body slows down significantly and it becomes a lot harder for you to be woken up. The first four stages of sleep are characterized by something called NREM, which is short for “Non-Rapid Eye Movement.” The fifth stage of sleep usually occurs after 90 to 100 minutes after you have fallen asleep and in this stage your dreams take place. The fifth stage is known as REM, which is short for “Rapid Eye Movement.” This cycle repeats for 4-7 times throughout the night, with the first four stages becoming relatively shorter and the fifth stage extending throughout the night. This means that we are able to have 4-7 dreams per night, which takes up around 2 hours of sleep per night. That means that we have spent nearly 10,000 hours of our lives dreaming about things we can barely remember. Did you know that dreams happen at the same speed as in real life? So if I walked from here… To here, it would take exactly the same amount of time in my dreams as it just did. All humans have a “need to dream.” A lack of dreams can result in protein deficiency or a personality

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