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Lucid Dream Research Paper

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A few months ago, on a Sunday night before school, I had a dream in which I knew I was asleep, otherwise known as a lucid dream. I could consciously control what I was doing, so that made it all the more real. I could also remember it in vivido detail. When I usually get these dreams, they are happy, but this dream was about to haunt my subconscious world for a few nights.
I was alone, standing outside of my house in the rain at night and I was thinking to myself I needed to get inside in order to wake up from my dream. When I reached the front door I placed my knuckles onto the door's small window about to knock. I knew that what I was about to do would get me a little bit closer to waking myself up. The moment I knocked on the door, the banging …show more content…
I was very hot, sweating like mad and my heart was beating so hard, I didn't think I would be able to tell the difference between someone knocking at the door and my racing heart beat. After I came back from my frightened haze, I calmed down and realized that the chances of hearing someone knocking at the exact moment of dreaming that there is knocking on the door was incredibly low, so I fell back to sleep shortly afterward.
Monday, the very next night, I had the same dream. I was right back outside the front door of my house standing in the pouring rain again, intensely staring at the house. Slowly, I walked to the front porch, and through the doorway, since this time the door was open. I walked in, made a sharp right, and headed straight for the kitchen. I opened the first drawer I saw and pulled out a very large meat knife. I don’t know why I did this, but it felt necessary. I held the knife up close to my eyes and looked at my reflection through the blade of the …show more content…
The sound of the metal knives banging in the drawer as it quickly closed was so loud and so vivido, it seemed as though it couldn't have been a dream. Since I was really scared this time, I went down the hall into the kitchen. I was very sleepy, yet I had to check. I opened the drawer. I was satisfied to find the knife still in the drawer, and the knives in their places. I closed it and headed back to bed. It took a while for me to get comfortable this time, but soon I fell asleep.
On that Tuesday night, I went to bed early, hoping that my change in sleep schedule would also change my dreams. The dream started with the scary grin in the reflection. When I saw the look in his eyes, I could understand that the person I was looking at knew he was looking back at someone confused and scared. I remember myself looking into the reflection of the knife, already in my hand, while I stood outside of my house in the rain. The door to my house was open again, so I walked into the house, and took a sharp left down the hall into my bedroom. I looked at my bed and saw another person lay asleep. It was

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