... Through doing the research about dreams I have learned a vast about of important information from how to write an annotated bibliography, how to use VCU’s library system online, how to critically dissect as well as review my paper and the most important what different people believe a dream means to them. Once again my knowledge of VCU’s online library research system came in handy. Because I knew the correct ways to search of information through this data base it helped eliminate unneeded information. The writing workshops gave me and in depth look and how to read a paper from the readers point of view versus just the writer’s voice. It also gave me a chance to see how other people would create such a paper and gave me tips on where I was lacking strength. Having someone else read and criticized your work humbles you as well as gives you room to grow as a writer. Along with the workshop having you look over my paper and giving me your feedback helped be discover ways I could elaborate and fix my claim. Since this is the second time I have written and read research on the topic of dreams I feel like I have a stronger understanding of how beneficial dreams are to your lives. If I have dream that frightens me I know have a idea of where it came from and how it relates to my day to day life because I have read so many different views and opinions on dream analysis. Learning about the different ways people view the ‘meaning’ of a dream really gives me a new...
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...1. Give the reference, in APA style, for the article. Pesant, G., & Zadra A. (2006). Dream Content and Psychological Well-Being: A Longitudinal Study of the Continuity Hypothesis. Journal Of Clinical Psychology, Vol. 62(1), 111–121 2. What is the general topic that this paper is addressing? What has previous research on this (or related) topics demonstrated? What is the purpose of the research described in this paper? How does it complement the previous research on this topic? What is/are the author(s) hypothesis/hypotheses? Do the hypotheses make sense to you? The topic of the article is addressing the continuity hypothesis, which states that there is a direct influence on an the content of an individual's dreams due to factors in their waking state. There have been conflicting viewpoints on the topic, i.e. dreams stem from the unconscious mind unaffected by the conscious mind, but contemporary studies tend to support the continuity hypothesis. It supports previous research on this topic by including a longitudinal study, which hasn’t been done before. The author’s hypothesis is that factors in an individual life (relations, personality traits, etc.) are directly correlated an individual's dreams, which makes sense to me. 3. In general, describe the results of the study. (you don't have...
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...This research paper attempts to elucidate how each character in the play A Raisin in the Sun written in 1959 by Lorraine Hansberry wants to achieve a dream which represents certain characteristics in common with the American Dream. Furthermore, this paper seeks to reveal to what extent aspects of the American Dreams, such as the ideal of justice or equality between the races, have been fulfilled by analyzing how these aspects are presented in the play. The Younger family is living in Chicago and is facing financial problems as well as social problems such as discrimination. As Mama’s husband died the family receives 10.000$ insurance money, which gives each family member the opportunity to fulfill their dream. Mama herself wants to buy a new house for the family, her daughter pursues the dream of becoming a doctor and her son Walter wants to open a liquor store. However, the fact that Walter’s wife Ruth is pregnant complicates the situation. Mama eventually decides to buy a new house in a white neighborhood and entrusts Walter with the rest of the money, but he loses all the money through a fraud, although he should have left some money to fund Beneatha’s education. Eventually, at the end of the drama, Mr. Lindner offers money to buy the Youngers out of their new house, but Walter stands up against him and declines the offer....
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...RESEARCH PAPER - DREAMS About a month ago the two of us brainstormed a few ideas for our first Psychology project. After a weighing the pros and cons of our options, we decided to research dreams and dreaming. We were hoping to learn some information over the vague topic of dreams such as the biology, the causes of dreams, and possibly some of the meanings behind certain dreams. Not only that, but we were interested in the different varieties of dreams people had and why they had them. From the beginning, we had hoped to answer some seemingly basic questions such as “What is a dream?” “What are some different types of dreams people experience?” and “Why would someone experience a certain type of dream?” After many hours and much research, we feel that we were rather successful in answering these and many more questions regarding the topic. So what IS a dream? Well, according to Sigmund Freud, dreams are the, “royal road to the unconscious.” Coming into this project with little to no experience on the topic, it was more than difficult to comprehend why it was that important. “They’re only dreams,” we would say, but after extensive research and reading, it is much easier to follow where Freud was coming from. You see, dreams are not simple; you have to admire the intricacy of a dream interweaving thoughts, ideas, and experiences a person has had in his/her lifetime. The process of dreaming itself connects different parts of the mind that may not be able to find each other...
Words: 1800 - Pages: 8
...Dreams: What are dreams and what do they mean? Shanice Monteith The University of West Florida Abstract Dreams that take place while we sleep are one of the most fascinating aspects of human consciousness and are common among all of us. We all ask the same question, what is a dream? A researcher by the name of Sigmund Freud’s theory of dreams gives us a good insight about dreams. His theory is one of the best-known models of dream interpretation. There are also other types of theories that suggest to us what a dream is. Some say that dreams are simply random firing of memory neurons. Others say differently. I will try to show both sides of this controversy. This paper will examine what a dream is and what people interpret a dream to mean. It should also give you a broader perspective of dreams, go into detail of different theories regarding dreams and give you more insight of such a fascinating but complicated topic. There is also the case of nightmares which will be discussed briefly and why they occur when we dream. What are dreams and what do they mean There have numerous studies on what is a dream. A lot of controversy has happened because of this. Some people say it could be just simply random firing of memory neurons as stated earlier but not everyone thinks the same way. Others say there is a lot of detail that could go into finding out more about this topic so they begin to do more research to come up with different ideas about such a debating issue...
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...her schizophrenic brother to study the brain cells, she questioned how a person could have dreams and make them a reality and why her brother could not have the same experience. In her research she learned the brain is split between two hemispheres. The right hemisphere functions like a parallel processor, and he left operates like a serial processor. The right brain associates instant is concerned about what is currently happening while the left brain is more concerned about details. While completing her research on the brain, Dr. Taylor suffered a stroke. As a result of the stroke, she learned a vital lesson about her current studies. She got a first-hand account of what actually happens to the brain when it is unable to process information and how the two very different hemispheres communicate. During the stroke, the left brain identified there was a problem. While the right hemisphere, focused on the beauties and peace--visualizing a space filled with compassion and love. Although, toward the end of this ordeal, Dr. Taylor thought for sure she had died. However, once she realized she was alive, she received her insight. Anyone can experience the type of paradise, illusion or fantasy if they choose to enter the right hemisphere of their brains. Thankful to be alive, she felt an urge to share her experience so that people who have similar brain disorders dreams can become reality by simply focusing on all that the right brain can deliver--emotions, music...
Words: 472 - Pages: 2
...Introduction to Research Paper Writing The purpose of research writing is to collect, present, and interact with what is known about a topic. Primary research is “firsthand”—original research that generates new knowledge, such as scientific studies, social science surveys or case studies, and so on. Most college papers do not involve this kind of research. Secondary research is much more common. This is done by reading and organizing materials generated by others’ studies. (Most lower division college research papers are secondary research; primary research writing always begins with a survey of already-published research, often called a “review of related literature” or “lit review.”) Since this kind of writing is using materials that others have developed and published, it is very important to document and cite the sources of material used in writing. If sources are not documented and given proper credit, the result is plagiarism. Plagiarism may not be intentional, but it is still a serious problem. Passing off ideas, concepts, and data as one’s own is a violation of intellectual integrity. It amounts to theft of intellectual property. For many reasons, then, it is critically important to learn how to properly use material collected in research. The appropriate presentation of research content uses proper format. The format, or style, of a paper refers to the systematic way in which research materials are documented and cited. The documentation of sources used in a paper is commonly...
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...Lucid Dreams 1 Lucid Dreams a State of Consciousness Alberto De La Rosa University of Texas at El Paso Lucid Dreams 2 Everyone has had a dream in their life, but have you ever had one in which you where fully conscious of what was happening. From others and personal experience, in this dream state you can control or influence your dream however you want. In this subconscious state you know the meaning of the dream and where you are physically in the real world. This is the place were you can truly do whatever your heart desires. This research paper is going to talk about the history, scientific research, and one of the big questions; can one control a lucid dream or increase your chances of having one? According to Voss eight out of ten people have had a dream in which they were conscious when they were dreaming at least once in their life. This state is referred to as lucid dreaming, conscious dreaming, or dreams of clarity (Klartraume) (Holzinger, 216). According to Tholey, “Dreams of clarity (Klartraume) are those dreams in which the dreamer has complete consciousness and awareness about the fact that one is dreaming and can therefore interfere or influence,...
Words: 1155 - Pages: 5
...writing. This presentation is suitable for the beginning of a composition course or the assignment of a writing project in any class. Contributors:Ethan Sproat, Dana Lynn Driscoll, Allen Brizee Last Edited: 2012-04-27 10:46:02 Example 1: “I Have a Dream” Speech A lot of what was covered above may still seem abstract and complicated. To illustrate how diverse kinds of texts have their own rhetorical situations, consider the following examples. First, consider Dr. Martin Luther King’s famous “I Have a Dream” speech. Because this speech is famous, it should be very easy to identify the basic elements of its particular rhetorical situation. Text The text in question is a 17-minute speech written and delivered by Dr. King. The basic medium of the text was an oral speech that was broadcast by both loudspeakers at the event and over radio and television. Dr. King drew on years of training as a minister and public speaker to deliver the speech. He also drew on his extensive education and the tumultuous history of racial prejudices and civil rights in the US. Audiences at the time either heard his speech in person or over radio or television broadcasts. Part of the speech near the end was improvised around the repeated phrase “I have a dream.” Author http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/625/08/ Page 1 of 9 Purdue OWL: The Rhetorical Situation 9/11/13 7:53 PM Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was the most iconic leader of the American Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s and 1960s....
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...school and extra curricular activities that at the end of the day, they look forward to relaxation and sleeping which is fundamental to their health and well being. The main focus in this research paper is to examine the nature of a certain kind of dreaming in a stage of sleep, also known as a nightmare. Nightmare may professed a state of distress that once awaken a person may suffer despair, anxiety, and great sadness because of the strong emotional reaction. Nightmare is a kind of dream that occurs during the rapid eye movement stage of sleep. Dreaming itself can have wavering natures such as melancholic, adventurous, frightening, exciting, and sexual. Sigmund Freud who is most known for his psychoanalytical theory study about dreams, interpreted that dreaming is a ‘royal road to the unconscious’ or also known as the will-fulfillments (Sigmund Frued). Describing the will-fulfillments as it dreams the defense mechanism is lessened so that some of the subjugated material comes through to awareness without any bias. In other words, dreams implement vital functions for the unconscious mind and operate as a valuable clue to how the unconscious mind works. In retrospect, going in-depth into dreaming brings the subject of nightmare. Experiencing a nightmare can be hostile and disturbing that the dream may enclose situations of threat, distress, and physical or psychological terror. Interestingly, nightmare frequency, which is most associated with cognitive was determined to be strongly...
Words: 973 - Pages: 4
...NIGHTMARE DISORDER: A KASE FROM THAILAND''. It is written by Elsegood, Wongpakaran, and Wannarit. This paper will give a brief background about dreams and what might cause them, and to what do they indicate. This paper also discuss the Control Mastery Theory (CMT), and the Jungian theory, in order to interpret a Thai woman's depressing dreams and treating her nightmare disorder. Then comes the therapy process, and different strategies to treat the patient. The article then gives a case example to a patient called Yani, it discusses her background, worries, and her struggles with the Naga Dreams, and her cultural influence. The article discusses her treatment plan, course of therapy, and the therapeutic outcome. After her treatment, the article displays the critique of theoretical approach. In the end it discusses the implications for mental health...
Words: 980 - Pages: 4
...Making PSYCH 545 May 7, 2012 Abstract This paper analyzes the therapist’s ethical dilemma of accepting or not a gift from a client from a non-Western culture. The essay describes the selected ethical dilemma, the cultural factors involved, and the first 14 steps that therapist takes to resolve this dilemma, and to arrive to an ethical decision. The 14 steps taken to obtain the ethical decision identify key aspects of this situation, analyzes the benefits and weaknesses of the options that therapist has. These ethical steps are helping the psychologist to identify the best approach for the ethical dilemma. The decision making process described in this paper applies to the patient’s best interest, influencing the client and therapist. Also the paper explains the importance of the ethical decision in professional psychology. Ethical Decision Making Ethical decision making process refers to the ability to take a decision after an evaluation of a complex and ambiguous ethical situation, and to the capacity to implement that ethical decision effectively. The ethical decision in this paper refers to the ethical dilemma of accepting of not the gift from the patient. In this case the client comes from a non-Western culture, so the ethical dilemma involves cultural considerations. The gift giving aspect must take into account the cultural context. The patient is a Navajo Native American male, and he has offered a dream catcher as a gift to his therapist, after ending the...
Words: 1915 - Pages: 8
...December 5, 2012 Rough Draft Legal is the New Illegal What do you think of when you read ‘Immigration’? My thought of the definition of immigration is that people of other countries wanting a better life for themselves and/or their family and they think they can find that certain life in the United States. All they have to do is fill out paper work and pay fees that they can later pay off because they will have jobs because they became a US citizen. Some immigrants do not quite understand that concept and that is where we get the problem of illegal immigration. It is great that they want better lives but when they do it illegally is where they literally cross the line. Illegal immigration comes with certain causes, problems, and solutions. It is not easy to determine that causes of illegal immigration but according to the article “Illegal Immigration”, there are two main factors that make immigrants have the desire to join the United States. The first major factor is the “push” factor, which involves the pressures encouraging emigration in countries of origin. There are also four sub-factors that give those immigrants the actual push. The first is the professional factor that deals with jobs, money, and certain opportunities that the United States offer that their home does not. Second is the political factor, which is their opinion on our government vs. their government. The security factor is the third, which involves just the comfort of having that security of health, home,...
Words: 942 - Pages: 4
...The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the correlational method as a means for examining the relationship between REM sleep and memory. I will describe previous research and then investigate how REM and memory are associated in young people and in older people. In some ways, the sleep patterns of these two groups are very similar, but in some ways they are not. 1a. REM stands for rapid eye movement, and it is considered the stage of greastest brain activity during one’s sleep. During REM sleep for about 10 minutes the waves emitted by the brain become fast, heart beat and breating increase, and eye movemnet becomes quick and irregular, as a signal of a dream about to begin. In addition, during REM sleep and deep sleep one is exposed to dreams that can remember, and even if...
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...I am doing my research paper on Jay Gatsby from The Great Gatsby, and the archetype I have chosen is American Dreamer. An American Dreamer is someone who sees the American Dream as an obtainable goal and vigorously pursues it. Jay Gatsby qualifies for the archetype American Dreamer because in his journey to wealth and prosperity he is reunited with a lost love from five years previous, her name is Daisy Buchanan. I am doing my research paper on Jay Gatsby because I have wanted to read this book for some time and I figured who better to do than the main character of the book. F. Scott Fitzgerald created many interesting characters in his novel The Great Gatsby. Jay Gatsby, The main character from The Great Gatsby fits the archetype of the American...
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