...Geo-Engineering: Controlling the Climate and Weather Recall the pleasure derived from the last time you took a walk through a park on a day when the weather was perfect. The sunshine was bright, the temperature was perfect, and perhaps there was a slight breeze that left you the ultimate feeling of refreshment as it caressed your face. Or perhaps you can remember the last time you enjoyed the sounds and smells of a light April shower that left the trees and grass looking so green and the air so fresh that you just couldn’t resist taking a deep cleansing breath. No doubt everyone can remember times such as these or similar instances when the weather was responsible for bringing them a lift in spirit. Now imagine that you had the ability to control the weather and climate. Perhaps your first response to this idea is that such a thing is, and always will be, impossible. But you would be wrong in your assumption. In our modern world there is a science called Geo-Engineering that has become a political issue. Geo-Engineering is the ability of scientists to control the climate and weather in various areas and for various reasons. The issue we are all faced with is whether or not having this control is a good thing or a bad thing. First of all we must answer the question of whether Geo-Engineering is a reality. Without question it is, and has been for decades. Scientists have successfully demonstrated in numerous ways the ability to be able to control the climate...
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...The Freemium Business Model Does it Work The Freemium Business Model Does it Work In a world where advancements are made every day, conscience efforts are given to affect change in the most peculiar ways. If a look backwards were to be taken one could see that from medicine to television changes that could have never been thought of, exactly were that, thought of. Creations are made and ideas are born. One direction that is always a consideration is how to attract more consumers into a specific market without scaring them away and turning a great revenue at the same time. While businesses advance as technology does at times, both are intertwined. With the advancement of technology including 3-d screens, descriptive color patterns and certain psychological focus points that attract a person’s unconscious mind to a specific product, the advancement of business practices must be the same in attracting certain detail of a product to that of making a person wanting more or feel as though they are receiving a special offer. Even if for a limited time. Many people who partake of services want the most up to date and the most opportune times available within today’s abilities. Granted, at a much faster pace, always on the move and too many appointments to complete in one day, the most is the best in the most convenient ways. More and more often than not, what is seen are special ads such as with premium channels on television; HBO, Cinemax or Starz all offer certain time frames for...
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...Human Genetic Engineering Imagine being able to design your own baby before it is even born, or prevent your unborn child from a dreadful disease, or make your baby a genius or an athlete. Scientists could be opening Pandora’s Box with the potential development of human genetic engineering. Genetic engineering is the process by which genes are added or transferred to alter the genetic code of an organism (“What is Genetic Modification”). Since the completion of the Human Genome Project in 2006, genetic engineering has developed rapidly and it seems as though a new discovery or breakthrough is announced every day. Many of the discoveries as well as future prospects have presented numerous challenges and concerns, and continue to be an ethical debate. Human genetic engineering will lead to unfavorable consequences that defy nature, lead to less diversity, and threaten our safety. Scientists are messing with nature in the process of human genetic engineering. There is a delicate balance in nature that should not be tampered with because of the unforeseen effects it could cause. With advancements in genetic engineering and new technologies, scientists are racing to uncover some profound new discovery by experimenting with our genes in a Petri dish. Manipulations to our genes are unnatural and unpredictable. It was just announced this year that the first human ear was grown from animal cells on the back of a rat (Briggs). While this major breakthrough has enormous potential for...
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...one this paper will be focusing on. There have been many opinions and misconceptions about this subject but in reality it has been used in one form or another since humans began farming and will continue into the future, not only out of curiosity but of necessity. Humans began using the abilities of altering their food since nearly ten thousand years ago when we began to domesticate animals and kept plants...
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...Second Amendment: Still Valid after 200 years Jeremiah A. Dozier ITT Technical Institute The subject of this research paper is on a particular subject that has spurred an ongoing debate for many years, the Second Amendment. To this day many Americans have raised the question is the Second Amendment still valid after 200 years? The answer to that question is YES! When the founding fathers signed the Constitution in this document there are many Articles and the First ten are known as the bill rights and the first one is the right to free speech, most everyone is in agreement that is one of the most important rights as citizens. Now the Second Amendment which states, “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed”. In this paper it is the authors’ intension to show why this Amendment is important today and in the future. The Second Amendment has been a part of this country since the very beginning of our great nation. Fast forward to the present, they are now people saying the Second Amendment is no longer valid or needed. How can that be we not need this right or it no longer applies to the present day? One of the main reasons most people say we don’t need this fundamental right is because of the recent waves of shootings around this country. The only response is to put a ban on firearms or limit how many rounds a weapons magazine can hold. The Second Amendment is in place as...
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...June 2010, Vol.6, No.6 (Serial No.61) Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing, ISSN 1548-6583, USA Fair value accounting under financial crisis HE Cai-xia1, ZHANG Chi2 (1. School of Accounting, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan 430073, China; 2. School of Management, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430073, China) Abstract: The recent financial crisis has led to a vigorous debate about the pros and cons of fair-value accounting (FVA). This debate presents a major challenge for FVA going forward and standard setters’ push to extend FVA into other areas. In this article, we highlight three important issues as an attempt to make sense of the debate. First, much of the controversy results from confusion about what is new and different about FVA. Second, while there are legitimate concerns about marking to market (or pure FVA) in times of financial crisis, it is less clear that these problems apply to FVA as stipulated by the accounting standards, be it IFRS or U.S. GAAP. Third, historical cost accounting (HCA) is unlikely to be the remedy. There are a number of concerns about HCA as well and these problems could be larger than those with FVA. Key words: fair value accounting; historical cost accounting; financial crisis 1. Introduction The recent financial crisis has turned the spotlight on fair-value accounting (FVA) and led to a major policy debate involving among others the U.S. Congress, the European Commission as well banking...
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...In this paper I will analyze the idea of voluntary exchange, and determine whether or not the mutual benefit created through free trade is socially responsible. A basic tenant of free trade is mutually beneficial exchange, a simple enough idea, but within the frame work of this “simple” idea lays a variety of taboo subjects that one might not initially expect to encounter. These subjects include but are not limited to ideas such as the decriminalization of narcotics, the legalization of prostitution, and even assisted suicide. I’ll exclusively explore the idea of voluntary exchange within drug markets, and analyze some of the social and economic costs and benefits to society. I’m going to present statistics and viewpoints that will evoke feelings...
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...Table of Contents 1. Essay Abstract 2. Introduction 3. Geoengineering: What is it? 4. Environmental Issues & Science 5. Human Impact 6. Ethical & Justice Issues 7. Conclusion 8. Bibliography Geoengineering: A global issue Essay Abstract Geoengineering is a set of new technologies which aim to change the environment in human favour. Considering the technology is nascent, the morality, ethics, technological knowhow and the human impact are all uncertain as they relate to geoengineering. This paper argues that on these grounds, the geoengineering issue should be a global issue. Local governments fail to implement this technology effectively. The subsidiarity test should be passed when it relates to the geoengineering issue. Introduction With rising CO2 levels, changing weather patterns and an ever increasing intensity of weather events, governments and environmental groups are trying to address the global warming issue. There are many theories on how to deal with climate change; from a reduction in pollution to carbon capture. Geoengineering is a relatively new idea in the field of science which “describes this array of technologies that aim, through large-scale and deliberate modifications of the Earth’s energy balance, to reduce temperatures and counteract anthropogenic climate change.” (Bracmort et all., 2011: 1) The vast majority of technology is nascent and at a theoretical stage but it has the potential to affect populations...
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...can do so when motivated. However, even the best remedial instruction programs have failed to positively impact the student who is both underprepared academically and unmotivated. When students have both a lack of academic skills and lack motivation, the greater problem is motivation (Kelly, 1988). Faculty often have neither the time or inclination to address difficult motivational issues in the classroom, consequently, the task of trying to effectively motivate such students often falls to academic advisors. Opinions about the role of motivation in academic achievement and what can be done about it vary widely among college faculty, administrators, and student services professionals. Consideration about unmotivated students opens a Pandora’s box of questions: Can anything be done about these students? Can motivation be taught? What kind of strategies can be used to influence motivation? Is this time wasted that might better be used on those students who are already motivated? The problem of devising effective strategies that influence...
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... A Research Paper Presented to The Class of Miss Rachelle Lynne A. Rosales Camp General Emilio Aguinaldo High School In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Subject English IV Submitted by: Josh Gabriel Hornilla John Gabriel Celis IV – Gomez Chapter I 1 Introduction Instrumental songs are music that can entertain us and relieved stress. It can also be a fun of everybody when playing an instrument like piano, guitar drums, etc. In this generation, many people likes the genre of Hip Hop, R & B, Rock, Pop, and the famous genre nowadays is Korean Pop (K-Pop). So the researchers want to know if Instrumental songs are important in our everyday lives. This research paper will try to answer the...
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...Introduction When thinking of teenagers we get the feeling of carefree days, days with no or minimal responsibility and days filled with fun, laughter and joy. This reality is a fairytale for some teenagers. Adolescent depression is a real and growing problem in our society. Numbers of depression diagnosed in adolescents are on the rise. Is this because of more depressed teenagers, or is there an explanation for this. Are there underlying problems or causes for the high depression numbers? Is there something that we can do to help these teenagers. What are the symptoms and diagnoses. Factors contributing to this problem are all things that will be discussed in this paper. Definition Major depression disorder Definition: A mood disorder characterized by a depressed mood, a lack of interest in activities normally enjoyed, changes in weight and sleep, fatigue, feelings of worthlessness and guilt, difficulty concentrating and thoughts of death and suicide. If a person has experienced the majority of these symptoms for longer than a two-week period they may be diagnosed as having had a major depressive episode. If a person has had one or more major depressive episodes, has no history of mania, mixed episodes or hypomania and the symptoms are not due to another disorder, they may be diagnosed as having major depressive disorder.( Schimelpfenin,2013) Major depression episode Definition: A major depressive episode is when a person experiences 5 or more symptoms during...
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...Appendix E Title:Pros and cons of online education for educators and students Author(s):Hadley Leavell , Balasundram Maniam and Sara Lange Nagel Source:International Journal of Business Research. 11.6 (Nov. 2011): p136. From Academic OneFile. Document Type:Report Abstract: Online education offers students an anytime/anywhere method of receiving an advanced knowledge. Proponents point out the increased access will level the playing field for all. This study explores the benefits and issues for those tasked with those who are teaching the students and the students themselves. This study focuses on the higher education faculty and students who enroll in online courses. The pros of online education will be balanced with the possible cons of Internet education versus face-to-face education. Finally, the study also presented the results of student perception of technology use in classroom (traditional as well as online classes). Keywords: Online Education, technology, distance learning, web-based learning 1. INTRODUCTION Higher education started in 1088 in Europe at the University of Bologna and although many changes have occurred, brick and mortar classrooms have been the primary means of education ever since. (Universitas de Bologna). However, the social media changes in the past ten years have altered the landscape more dramatically. The computer has transcended from a data manipulation tool to a means of constant communication between individual and among large groups...
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...IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF BACHELOR OF DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT DEGREE APRIL 2010 STUDENT’S DECLARATION I hereby declare that this project work is the result of my own original research and where I have use others’ materials, I have fully acknowledged them Signature: ……………………… Date: …………………………… (YEBOAH-MANTEY EMMANUEL) SUPERVISOR’S DECLARATION I hereby declare that the preparation and presentation of this project work was supervised in accordance with the guidelines on supervision of Capstone Project as laid down by Ghana Christian University College Signature: ………………………… Date: …………………… Acknowledgements Table of Contents Declaration I Acknowledgements II Table of Contents III Abstract.....................................................................................................................1 Chapter 1-Overviewof Study 1.1 Introduction................................................................................... 1.2 Background................................................................................... 1.3 Problem Statement ............... 1.4 Purpose of the Study 1.5 Research Questions...
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...Introduction to Empirical research on non-evidence beliefs over anti-vaccination Student Name: Institution: Introduction Vaccines have had an increasing effect on people's health in the world for a long period. Down in Australia, the government introduced the “no jab, no pay” economic policy to detract anti-vaccine movements from ‘confusing’ the public (McCutcheon, 2015).Under this law, children who are not immunized, are denied childcare not unless their parents do declare philosophical, religious, medical or personal objections (Medew 2015). Evidently, in the New South Wales state, only about 50% of citizens receive vaccines for their children. Evidently this is the lowest level in Australia and is compared to South Sudan (McCutcheon, 2015).There are various researches that have come up to explain how conspiracy, paranormal, and spirituality are related to anti-vaccination, but it is clear that none of them was bold enough to explain why. For instance, in line with conspiracy theory, Kata (2010) states of how 75% of the websites she researched on made claims of cover up, where regulatory bodies had information about vaccines they were from the public. Orac (2014) states of how conspiracy in the Muslim world made people into believing polio vaccines were evil plans by the Western nations to sterilize Muslim youth and reduce them in number. In the same sense, 50% of websites stated of how the government purportedly protects vaccine manufacturers and doctors from possible harms...
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...Abstract Purpose – The aim of the paper is to discuss a possible extension of narrative analysis to a new medium of expression of consumer behaviour, specifically YouTube. Design/methodology/approach – Marketing and consumer behaviour studies often apply narrative analysis to understand consumption. The consumer is a source of introspective narratives that are studied by scholars. However, consumption has a narrative nature in itself and consumers are also storytellers. YouTube is a new context in which subjects tell stories to an audience through self-made videos and re-edited TV programs. After defining the pros and cons of different approaches to the study of YouTube, narrative analysis is presented as a possible means of understanding YouTube. Findings – Some preliminary evidence is presented by discussing several YouTube videos. These indicate that YouTube content can be better understood as stories, rather than example of other approaches, such as visual analysis, media studies, videography, and others. Research limitations/implications – From the analysis conducted, preliminary managerial implications can be drawn. It seems unlikely that normal TV broadcasters will be substituted by YouTube videos. For the most part, YouTube content draws its sense and shared meaning from the major TV shows and series. The discursive nature of YouTube is also an indication of how to deal with this new medium as a company or researcher. Originality/value – The paper is an attempt to open up new...
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