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Panjab Research Paper

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“Bibiji, can you tell me a bedtime story?” I would ask my grandmother before falling asleep. “What story would you like to hear?” Every night we would have this same conversation and I would ask for the same story. ”I want to hear the story about your life in Panjab”.
I grew up the oldest of three children. My parents were always away from home, working, leaving my grandparents to raise me. I didn’t loathe my parents for rarely being there because I understood why. They were working hard to provide me with something they hadn’t received so easily; opportunity and a future.
My grandmother was a strong and hardworking woman. She managed to raise four children on her own while my grandfather was away in the army. Friends and family would constantly put her down. They would tell her to buy more land with the money …show more content…
I realize that being the President of the Future Business Leaders of America Club will not adequately prepare me to reach my goal. A high school education is just the beginning to an educational background I must possess in order to be successful.
A college education will provide for hands on experiences through work study programs and internships. These will provide real life settings of what to expect on an actual job. A college education will also give me a chance to build up good communication and socialization skills. Interacting with people of different races and backgrounds will prepare me deal with the people I’ll face in the workforce.
I plan to further my education at University of San Diego, School of Business. I will be able to reach my career goals, not only in the field of management, but also in every aspect of the business field as a whole. I believe that in the business world you must acquire skills and knowledge from every field because no matter what trade you may take up, it will always be helpful to know a little something extra that may lend you a hand in the long

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