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Pants On Fire Analysis

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Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire Lies and secrets seem to surround the entire animal farm. There are liars, backstabbing animals, and loyal advisors who don't turn out to be too loyal. Propaganda seems to control every animal's mind, making them believe in, let's be honest, nonsense in general. Two animals in particular seem to use dishonest information to cover up the horrible events and mistakes that had happened. Slaughtering and bloodshed soak the farm's grass. All the wars and battles happen for a reason, and that reason all started when Napoleon and Squealer started "brainwashing" every animal one at a time. Napoleon is the ultimate leader, who happens to be a large pig. His most faithful, dependable, and loyal advisor is Squealer. When you put the two of them together, it's mass destruction. For example, whenever there is an announcement or meeting , Squealer always lies to all of the farm animals to make them believe that Napoleon is the best leader of all time. Squealer does these actions in order to show loyalty to Napoleon, as well as to make each and every animal side with Napoleon and himself. He delivers false information to hide the true …show more content…
He says lies, in order to have more luxury and to have a better life than the rest of the animals. For example, he lied to all the animals, saying that every animal had their fair share, as well as saying that every animal is equal. He later then changes the commandants, stating that some animals are more equal than other animals. What this new law means, is that all Napoleon cares about was himself and his food rations. He also once stated that all animals were to have an equal amount of one glass of beer a day, but all the animals didn't know that Napoleon got to have half a gallon of beer a day for just himself! Once again, the leader tried to keep even more secrets, in order to have all the animals not be too suspicious about him and his

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