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Interpersonal Communication Assignment

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In this assignment I am going to be speaking about Linda, in this report I will be writing about the changes Linda is experiencing through adolescents and why she is beginning to become isolated and starting to lose a lot of weight, I will explore the different stages of life through adolescences.
Identify who you would need to talk to about this situation:
The first person that you would speak to about Linda would be the line manager you would tell her that you have been observing Linda and have noticed changes in her behaviour and one of her peers have come forward and told us that Linda confided in her about what has been going on. The line manager will advise you on what needs to be done and get in contact with the Multi-Disciplinary Team they are the GP, Social worker, Consoler etc.
Identify …show more content…
Open Question/Close Question: is asking a Linda a question that will give them the chance to answer the question with more than one word. A closed question would be a question like, how do you feel today?
Multi-Disciplinary Team: is a team of people with different skills e.g. GP, Social worker and Psychiatrist etc. This team would have to make sure they have very clear communication and are fit to interact with all groups of people regardless of the situation.
Person centred approach: According to Carl Rogers’s person centred care is focusing on the person showing them empathy, understanding and encouragement etc.
Respectful: Showing Linda some respect the same as the way you would like to be treated.
Enthusiastic: Being enthusiastic and showing interest in Linda’s needs and make her the centre of your attention.
Considerate: Show Linda that you respect all have feeling emotionally and physically try to show how the path to the right way.
Discuss what strategies need to be implemented for Linda at this

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