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Interpersonal Communication Analysis

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Interpersonal communication is achieved through three styles of relating; submissive, aggressive, passive and, assertive. The former two have a multitude of limitations associated with them. However, the latter is regarded as the best form of communication both personally and professionally. Although an assertive style of relating often results in the best outcome for interpersonal communications; it more importantly has limitations. This essay will define what assertive communication is and why this is important in identifying its limits. Furthermore, it will outline how assertive communication can be achieved. Thirdly, it will establish and expand upon the advantages to an assertive style of relating. Moreover, it will outline the limits …show more content…
These can result in either completely learnt techniques or improved ones. Burton, Westen and Kowalski (2015), describe participatory modelling and skills training as early additions to the therapeutic repertoire of cognitive-behavioural therapists. Participatory modelling came about by “the recognition that people learn not only through their experiences but also by observing the behaviour of others” (Burton et al., 2015, p.663). The desired behaviour is first modelled, then gradually, the client is encouraged to engage in this modelled behaviour. This gives people the ability to act in a similar manner in situations where it is acceptable. Participatory modelling is most effective to train those wishing to be more effective at nonverbal assertive communication. Skills training may address verbal and nonverbal components. Burton et al. wrote “that skills training draws on theories of problem solving and self-regulation” (p.663). Social skills training endeavours to teach people with interpersonal deficits, the necessary skills live and work in a socially acceptable manner. First, it does this in a very similar manner to participatory modelling (Burton et al., 2015). However, the next stage is a rehearsal of the new skills. For example; gesture and posture, role playing various scenarios and, imaging responses to contextual clues, can be part of social skills training. This …show more content…
It has many advantages. Being an active member of decision making processes is one (Pfeiffer, 1998). When one becomes an assertive communicator, they are more likely to be heard and are more confident in giving ideas (Rothwell, 2012). Those that can give their ideas will thus have a higher self-esteem. In turn they become better at being assertive communicator and so on. They may even make the process calmer due to their own calm verbal and nonverbal behaviours. Secondly, without the alienation of other one can achieve what they want (Pfeiffer, 1998). Being a contemporary communicator indicates that a message is sent, received and then interpreted by one or more persons. Therefore, if one achieves their desired outcome but alienates others then they can no longer be an effective communicator. Nonetheless, if they don’t achieve what they want and retain others then they may feel dejected. Thus, it is optimal to achieve both of these goals; a feat achievable via assertive communication. Another advantage to assertive communication is that it is valued in Western society (Rothwell, 2012). When in a group it becomes easy to overlook those who are passive or submissive. Those who are aggressive often overlook those who surround them and may find themselves ineffective communicators. In 2012, Rothwell wrote “When a formerly passive member is assertive, the group may view

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