...Personal Communication Skills Analysis Joseph Gullia BUS 600: Management Communications with Technology Tools Dr. Brian Shaw 3/17/2014 Effective communication skills enable users to make the most of any situation, personal or professional. Understanding people and interpreting their needs are key in maximizing these potentials with friends or at work. Successful relationships rely on the ability to understand and communicate in a clear and concise matter (Baack, 2012). The ability to communicate not only effectively but efficiently comes with self-evaluation. Communicators must empower themselves with the knowledge of their own strengths and weakness and move forward by learning and practicing if they wish to be successful. The ability to perform a personal assessment identifies areas of opportunity and helps to achieve stronger communication skills. Assessment The Psych Test is a 25 point questionnaire style analysis tool that tries to interpret responses to key message points to evaluate an individual’s communication skill sets. By gauging interpersonal communication skills, and responses to certain scenarios, this tool helps to identify style and the reasoning behind the outcome (Psych Test, 2014). Points given for each answer produce the user with a numeric score that results in a certain number placement range. My personal score was a 68 giving me the feedback of Insightfulness as my outcome (Psych Test...
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...Discourse Analysis of Decision-Making Meetings Jolanta Aritz Robyn C. Walker University of Southern California Measuring culture is a central issue in international management research and has been traditionally accomplished using indices of cultural values. Although a number of researchers have attempted to identify measures to account for the core elements of culture, there is no consensus on those measures. This article uses an alternative method—discourse analysis—to observe what actually occurs in terms of communication practices in intercultural decision-making meetings, specifically those involving U.S.-born native English speakers and participants from East Asian countries. Previous discourse studies in this area suggest that differences in communication practices may be attributed to power differentials or language competence. Our findings suggest that the conversation style differences we observed might be attributed to intergroup identity issues instead. Keywords: intercultural communication; intercultural communication; group communication; discourse analysis; intercultural management; group decision making; communication accommodation theory In an increasingly global economy, multicultural work teams are becoming more commonplace, and fostering teamwork in multicultural teams is a growing challenge. The growing body of intercultural research suggests important Jolanta Aritz is an Associate Professor of Clinical at the Center for Management Communication at the...
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...In the final interpersonal analysis paper I will discuss some of the elements that plays a role interpersonal communication. The five terms I will be using are nonverbal communication, complementary, abstract language, non-verbal cues and empathy. I will discuss the five terms throughout my paragraphs. The way I define the interpersonal relationship between my aunt and I is by using different variety styles of nonverbal communication. One of the styles that we communicate is by abstract language. The way we use language is by sounds, symbols , a complex system, speech and. writing. An example would be when my aunt and I get into arguments, we sometimes do not agree with each other on somethings. We have a love and hate battled. The ways that my aunt and I use interpersonal communication is by using non-verbal cues. By understanding the other's situation, communicating in the right manner and by listening. I think those are beneficial when communicating with one another. One way that we communicate is by using non-verbal cues. We use non-verbal cues from our body language, facial expression, gestures and tone. An example of nonverbal communication ''You wanted the Caesar salad instead of the chef salad, but I thought you said you wanted the chef salad, I most of misunderstood what you said from your text.''...
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...Executive summery This academic report is give an enhance knowledge of developing a comprehensive personal and professional development strategies where summarized as below. Chapter 01 Steps of Developing Professional Development Plan and CV Chapter 02 Evaluation on Professional Development Plan Chapter 03 Highlighted on Interpersonal and transferable skills Chapter 04 Focus on Learning in a professional context Table of contents Executive summary 01 Table of contents 02 Chapter 01 03-09 1.1 Introduction on Personal and Professional Development 1.2 Self Assessment 1.3 Personal SWOT Analysis 1.4 Skill Audit 1.5 Personal Development Plan 1.6 Curriculum vitae Chapter 02 10 2.1 Evaluation on Personal Development Plan Chapter 03 11-13 3.1 Interpersonal and transferable skills 3.2 Time Management 3.3 Problem solving 3.4 Communication Chapter 04 14 4.1 Learning Bibliography 15 Chapter 01 1.1 Introduction on Personal and Professional Development Understanding skills, attitudes and knowledge is helpful to develop personal and professional career. According to the Guskey and Huberman (1995)Professional development is those processes and activities designed to enhance the professional knowledge, skills and attitudes of individuals in a working environment so that they might, in turn enhance the performance of the overall organization. This is an ongoing, systematic...
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...wBCOM Communication Foundations and Analysis Part 1 Chapter 2 Focusing on Interpersonal Communication I nterpersonal communication is the foundation of all successful communication with others in face-to-face situations and some mediated forms of communication, such as with telephones. Interpersonal communication begins with our own self-concept and our attitudes toward others. These, in turn, affect our style of communication with others and our ability to objective influence them, which is an imExplain how the portant role of interpersonal foundational element communication in the workof intrapersonal place. Because the majority of communication is the message in many interperan understanding of sonal communication situations ourselves. is communicated via nonverbal signals, it is also important to develop an awareness of our nonverbal communication behaviors and align them with our verbal message to reduce confusion. Finally, effective listening practices also affect our ability to communicate interpersonally and are another important area of skill development. Remember, you will spend most of your time in the workplace listening to others. 1 objectives Foundations the foundational 1 Explain howintrapersonal element of communication is an understanding of ourselves. erent 2 Describe the diffstyles. communication ne the 3 Defiuence indifferent types of infl interpersonal communication. role of nonverbal 4 Describe thecommunication...
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...CO2520 Communications GRADED ASSIGNMENTS ------------------------------------------------- Graded Assignment Requirements This document includes all of the assignment requirements for the graded assignments in this course. Your instructor will provide the details about when each assignment is due. Unit 1 Assignment 1: Models of Communication Learning Objectives and Outcomes * Define “communication”. * Apply each of the four models of human communication. Course Objectives supported by this activity: * Describe how communication methods and standards have changed over time. * Evaluate examples of written, oral, and visual communications to determine if they conform to ethical and professional standards. Assignment Requirements Read pp. 11-18 in the textbook. Draw each of the models from the book including the fourth model that the textbook authors added. Under each model, define and evaluate your understanding of the communication channels and processes at work with each model in three to five sentences. Describe how each model builds on the previous model with at least one sentence. Write down and evaluate the definition of communication provided from the textbook authors with three or more sentences. Required Resources Human Communication in Society, Chapter 1, pp. 11-18 Submission Requirements This assignment is a graded, in-class assignment. You have 60 minutes to complete the assignment. At the end of the 60 minutes, turn...
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...Communication and Collaboration paper Gen200 Effective communication skills and collaboration are vital when working with others in a team setting. To develop a strategy to reach end goals, respect must be shown to teammates’ opinions, ideas, learning styles. It’s important to allow each member to communicate open and freely without feeling criticized or harassed. Organization is critical in the successful execution and allows for completion of the project in a timely manner. Determining each person’s role and negotiation is also significant to success. Learning styles play important roles in communication. As mentioned in the chapter, “when you understand how you learn, you can make more active and effective decisions.” My specific learning style is Interpersonal. I am a people person and known to be the leader. I am motivational, empathetic to people, organized, and enjoy working with others. In my previous position, I was an administrative assistant and it was in my Global Performance Management Goals to create and maintain a welcoming atmosphere for all co-workers, create and maintain relationships with all diverse groups. My personality and learning styles fit very well with achieving my goal. One of the members in our group possesses the intrapersonal style. He learns best when allowed to reflect upon ideas and perspectives. He is an independent goal setter, likes to share opinions and is confident in them. Although he works great in a group, typically...
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...Communication and Collaboration paper Gen200 Effective communication skills and collaboration are vital when working with others in a team setting. To develop a strategy to reach end goals, respect must be shown to teammates’ opinions, ideas, learning styles. It’s important to allow each member to communicate open and freely without feeling criticized or harassed. Organization is critical in the successful execution and allows for completion of the project in a timely manner. Determining each person’s role and negotiation is also significant to success. Learning styles play important roles in communication. As mentioned in the chapter, “when you understand how you learn, you can make more active and effective decisions.” My specific learning style is Interpersonal. I am a people person and known to be the leader. I am motivational, empathetic to people, organized, and enjoy working with others. In my previous position, I was an administrative assistant and it was in my Global Performance Management Goals to create and maintain a welcoming atmosphere for all co-workers, create and maintain relationships with all diverse groups. My personality and learning styles fit very well with achieving my goal. One of the members in our group possesses the intrapersonal style. He learns best when allowed to reflect upon ideas and perspectives. He is an independent goal setter, likes to share opinions and is confident in them. Although he works great in a group, typically...
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...Communication and Collaboration Strategy Foundations for General Education and Professional Success GEN 200 University of Phoenix Dr. Janice Carter-Steward, Instructor January 25, 2010 We all different. No one person has the same personality or learning style. This is what makes the world uniquely balanced. The mystery is learning to accept and recognize these learning styles and personality types. In various occupations, sometimes we are forced to interactive and collaborate with other individuals that do and see things in very different ways. It is then our goal to identify their strengths and weaknesses that will improve the success of the team and overall work performance. Challenges will always exist among individuals that work together, but having good communication and collaboration will benefit all those involved. Learning styles, personality type and time management used to be merely educational jargons for me. Little did I know that all of those components were directly related to the learning process. While reading and performing various assessments, I have recognized several learning styles, their functions and how they contribute to great team work and support. I have explored the learning skills of The Interpersonal, The Visual-Spatial and The Logical-Mathematical Learners. These individuals bring several needed skills to small groups and team projects. The Interpersonal is one who actually likes and enjoys team project...
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...The method of analysis I chose for my cultural audit was content analysis. I used this method for analyzing my field notes, interviews, and surveys. Organizations need to monitor how well employees communicate because the organizations survival depends on the employees’ abilities to exchange and coordinate information. I decided to audit Palm Beach Tan, the organization where I work part time. It is convenient and we are all good friends. The primary reason I will be auditing the organization I work for is because I have a lot of inside access within the organization. I have currently worked at Palm Beach for 2 years and I am currently a shift leader. My goal certainly is not to create tension, although that may be unavoidable. This was a wonderful opportunity to exercise my leadership within the organization and myself. I hope that I can recommend at least one change that will improve the organizational communication flow. At Palm Beach Tan, “our mission is to build customer loyalty by working together to make a visit to our salons the best part of our members’ day.” The history of Palm Beach Tan has always been based on customer service and loyalty. They have always made their customers first priority in hopes that tanning is the best part of their day. Palm Beach maintains and protects a high-energy, enthusiastic, optimistic, and fun culture. For my cultural analysis on Palm Beach Tan, I used a method called “Triangulation”. Triangulation suggests that rather...
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...and also aims to describe the team’s experiences and critically analyse the results and communication structures. It was found that the main factor of the team’s failure is attributable to poor performance of a physician and there were some communicative conflicts. A disappointing performance is linked with the concepts of cognitive dissonance, task cohesiveness and social loafing. It also was confirmed that the problem of communication is associated with several factors such as the linguistic barrier, stereotyping, different decision-making styles, the internet-network communication and different cultures. Table of Contents ● The executive summary p2 ● Introduction p4 ● Everest team experience p4-6 ● Analysis of team’s result p7-9 ● Analysis of team’s communication structures and experiencep9-11 ● Conclusion p12 ● Bibliographyp13-14 ● Appendicesp15-19 ● Introduction The members of team 1 (Seungkon, Florence, Yajia, Michael, Manas and Rebecca) were supposed to do Everest simulation at week 5 and 8. Before the first simulation, as I had not had any experiences with other members and also I had no experiences regarding Everest simulation, there was a lack of knowledge about the members’ personal characteristics and the task itself. However, regardless of the knowledge, it was the most difficult task in all the assignments. This is because I am terribly reluctant to have interpersonal interactions in Australia due to the linguistic barrier and a negative stereotype about...
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...SPD 120 Interpersonal Communication Term Project – Kiser Overview This term project asks you to apply the concepts and theories from this course to your own interpersonal communication experience. First, you will describe major influences on your communication style. Then you will pick two communication contexts/situations and describe your strengths and weaknesses in those areas and devise strategies, based on course materials, to address two of your most important weaknesses. The last part of the project asks you put these plan into effect, keep a journal of your experiences, and write up the results. Step 1 – General Description of your interpersonal communication style Describe major sources of influence that have affected you communication style, such as family background, educational background, sex/age, interaction with your significant others, etc. Discuss how you communication style reflects what/who you are (your self-concept) that has been established through interaction with others. How does your MBTI type affect your communication style? This part of the project should give a sense of who you are and major influences in you life that have affected the way you communicate. This section should be 1-2 pages long. It is due _________________________ Step 2 – Analysis of your communication style in specific contexts. a. Select one of the following communication contexts: (1) male-female communication; (2) family communication; (3) communication on the job;...
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...Communication And Collaboration Strategy Paper Developing Strategies There are a few strategies that can be helpful for creating effective communication and collaboration among certain individuals. These individuals come from a diverse background, and they have learning styles and personality traits that vary. It is a hard task to meet each learning style during one project, but individuals need to learn to adapt. For example, a visual learner must learn to adapt to writing notes during a lecture. In this paper I will develop strategies to help me, as a logical learner/thinker, communicate and collaborate well with other learning/personality styles. The Visual Learner The learning style assessment states that I am a logical learner; this means that I like to brainstorm ideas and create an outline. Being in an online class, I would be able to create an outline of ideas that the team members have come up with and post them on the computer for everyone to see. Individuals are able to post questions and responses on the computer; this is a strategy that will help visual learners keep up with what is going on. The Kinesthetic Learner A kinesthetic learner must be able to work everything through hands-on experience. I believe allowing this learner to be the one to type up the final version for an assignment would be beneficial. This will allow the individual to read the final paper while typing it up; therefore gaining knowledge from hands-on experience. The...
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...Interpersonal communication serves as a means of organisational activities in planning, managing, leading and controlling process. Both Heffernan and Poole (2005) and Henttonen and Blomqvist (2005) are in agreement and highlighting that building mutual trust is an essential element in building relationships with overseas partners or teams respectively. In general, communication is considered has linked to commitment focusing on two areas. First, the focus has been on general aspects of communication such as communication satisfaction (Varona, 1996), communication climate (Guzley, 1992; Van den Hooff and de Ridder, 2004), quality of communication (Thornhill et al., 1996), communication systems (Jacobs, 2006) and their links to affective commitment. Second, specific facets of communication such as, organisational information provision (Ng et al., 2006), relationship with upper level management (Putti et al., 1990), and their link to affective commitment has been considered. This article is carried out in aligning to the aim of investigating the interpersonal communication skills in the level of supervisory positions and what skills they lack so as to enhance employee commitment and identifying skills require to engender commitment from subordinate in achieving organisation’s objective. This study is conducted by interviewing 32 senior Human Resource Manager in organisation with over 100 staffs. The findings conclude that interpersonal skills are more important than any...
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...Table of Contents • Introduction 3 • Interpersonal Dimensions 3 i) Strength 3 ii) Challenge 4 • Conflict Style 5 • Conclusion 7 • References 9 Introduction In the class, I was given an elaborate overview of interpersonal relationships. I was taught about the different impacts of interpersonal relations on an individual and how these can determine his personality, quality of lifestyle and the status of his relations with those related to him personally and professionally. I was also given an idea about human communication, the chief features of human communication and its major determinants. The class also gave me an idea on how can I identify the strengths and weaknesses of my personal interpersonal relationships and how can I implement ways that can rectify my weaknesses and help me in redesigning my personality. I believe that the class notes will be of immense help in the personal as well as professional aspects of my life. Interpersonal Dimensions i) Strength After going through the class lectures and notes, I have analyzed that my interpersonal effectiveness lies in the fact that I am a great provider of feedback. The way in which I deliver my instructions and the way I train my teammates to function as per the instructions have always proved successful. Thus, I believe that I have the basic skills of a good team leader and qualities to mould my teammates to agree...
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