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Evolution Of Coveralls

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The Navy is always changing and evolving to the needs of its sailors and the needs for the public. The needs for the sailors have adapted with the development of technology. These developments have impacted war and deference for many decades and will continue to develop in the future. One of the biggest changes that the Navy will always be improving and utilizing the branches uniforms that the sailors wear on a daily basis. The Navy has initiated many improvements upon the uniform such as making it fire retardant, zippers, decreasing button amount, or even just style and comfort.
The Navy’s most recent change is going to be the coveralls. The Navy quickly found out that the Uniform Type 1 was a huge safety hazard; it melted when exposed to flames of any kind. The new coveralls issued are known as the “Improved Fire Retardant Variant (IFRV).” They will soon be issued to sailors after the Navy runs out of the current version. There are around 21,000 of the older models left to be distributed which shouldn’t last too much longer. However, officials say it might take about a year before all sailors will be wearing the new coveralls. …show more content…
The Navy mandated fire-retardant uniforms in 2013, following the incident, and purchased retail coveralls. The Navy has since began plans to develop their own

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