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Head Injury Research Paper

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The long term effects of repeated concussions.My reason is not all the time does someone get a head injury because of there helmets and there padding.Owen Thomas started playing football when he was 9 years old. From the beginning, he enjoyed the rough-and-tumble of the game."He loved to go into practice and hit really hard," recalls his mother, Kathy Brearley.Over time, those hits added up and appear to have taken a terrible toll. In April, Thomas--a junior at the University of Pennsylvania and a lineman on its football team--took his own life. The autopsy showed that his brain was in the early stages of chronic traumatic encephalopathy, more commonly known as C.T.E.If this debilitating brain disease can be caused by repeated hits to the head …show more content…
While it is not clear who officially invented the football helmet, the earliest examples appeared in the 1890s. These basic helmets, known as head harnesses, were flat-topped caps made of soft leather and fitted with a pair of protective earflaps. The earflaps were designed to guard the ears but sometimes prevented players from communicating on the field. Eventually harness manufacturers started making harnesses with holes in the flaps so that players could hear coaches and teammates. Early head harnesses did little to prevent injury. They also trapped heat, making them uncomfortable for players to wear during the physical effort typically needed in football games.Riddell, a former high school teacher and football coach, founded the company John T. Riddell in 1929. He had invented a removable shoe cleat during his time as a football coach, and his next goal was to improve the football helmet. In 1939 he developed a plastic helmet, which was first used in a college football all-star game that year. A chinstrap was added to the design in 1940. While possibly better at protecting the head than leather models, the earliest plastic helmets had several problems. Screw ends poked through the outside of the helmet, making collisions between players very dangerous. In addition, during World War II (1939–1945) plastic available for civilian (nonmilitary) uses was often of low quality. Helmets made during this period were more likely to crack or

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