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Year Round School Case Study

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The Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board should accept the proposal to make the school calendar year-round due to the mental health, grades and breaks.
Firstly, I feel as if the proposal to turn our board into year-round schooling due to the mental health of students. If breaks are more frequent, students would feel less overwhelmed about forgetting things that were taught and there would be less worry due to shorter waits for breaks. It is also preparing the students for high school, if in elementary school right now, with the feel of semesters. The frequent breaks would free up time for relaxing and extra curricular activities. There would be less stress about missing lessons, tests and presentations due to tournaments since no classes would be missed during that time. Also, the excitement for breaks would help relax and preserve their mental state due to less stress. It would also give high school students, in our board, a chance to get part-time jobs during the breaks to already start saving. This would help reduce stress for them in the future. Therefore, accepting the proposal for year-round schooling would be very beneficial …show more content…
Students in high school could start studying for their exams over the breaks, which would help their grades improve, help them feel more comfortable with the material they are studying, near the end of summer, everyone is wasting their time by doing nothing due to boredom, instead students could complete the mandatory work instead of worrying about what they don’t remember over the long summer break. Also, grades would improve because there would be many small breaks so less would be forgotten and less time would be wasted on reviewing the material after the break, which means more time can be spent on assignments. In conclusion, I thing that our board should accept year-round schooling due to the

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