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Wagner House Research Paper

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The house was supposedly haunted and that was the selling point for Stacie Billings when he closed on the place. At least one spook house inhabited every town and Wagner House was Gatlin’s. Stacie grew up running past the place, being dared to sneak up the front steps and knock on the door, and occasionally throwing rocks at the vacant windows. In elementary school, he watched Matt Jenkins open the door and venture inside. He exploded through the door after five minutes, white faced and screaming bloody murder.
In high school, Wagner House changed hands and opened as a historical museum. Stacie was first in line for the tour through the cleaned and restored house, delighting in the retelling of Wagner’s gruesome history. But new attractions don’t stay fresh for long, especially in small towns, and so after a decade the museum closed and the house went on the market.
The horror bug opened its …show more content…
The old lady, moon-and-star dress and cobwebby shawl, spoke in tongues, made goofy hand gestures, and even rolled across the floor, and yet the house remained quiet. Enough was enough. He wanted what he paid for: a goddamn haunted house.

Stacie gripped the steering wheel, his hands white knuckled and still shaking. With no moon, the streetlights burned extraordinarily bright and seemed like reaching through the windshield to stab him in the eyes. Blood pounded in his ears. He couldn’t believe he did it. Technically this was the second time, but the first barely counted. The first was just an invite and a quick slash. This time was different. This time he’d see the ghosts.
A knock came from the backseat, followed by a ragged whimper. The truck swerved beneath his nervous hands, and he jerked the wheel over and righted the Ford. “Shit,” he said and shook his head. If he wasn’t careful he’d be the ghost. Almost there, he thought. Almost there. Don’t come to just

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