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Incentive Plan


Submitted By pengowazi
Words 1795
Pages 8
Incentive Plan 1

SAMPLE 1 Pratt Nursing Home’s Incentive Plan Introduction Human resource represents the most valuable asset to an organization and it is for this reason that an organization will go to great lengths in keeping its employees satisfied. Employee satisfaction is known to be a factor that can have a significant on the performance of employees and by extension the overall achievement of organizational goals. There are several techniques currently applicable in the field of human resource management that can be put into use to achieve this goal of maintaining a content staff. An incentive plan is one such technique mainly aimed at providing drive to achieve targets (Schoeffler, 2005). Business in the world today has seen the evolution of several plans available for application with widely varied results. An organization may choose to implement one plan or several incentive plans operating at once leaving employee’s to choose plans to pursue based on their individual goals. Despite the fact that all organizations would like to keep a staff that is highly motivated and productive it is not always possible to implement some of the plans based on factors that may be out of the organization’s control. For example, a non profit organization would find it impossible to implement a profit sharing plan. The selection of the incentive plan to use is dependent on the type of business among other factors and if properly implemented can provide a major boost to the organization. In this paper we will highlight the incentive plans at Pratt nursing home. We will attempt to understand why the incentive plans in place assist the organization in achieving objectives. We will also describe how we believe they are related to organizational goals and objectives. We

Incentive Plan 2

will make reference to current examples in the public domain to stress our arguments. We

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