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Solar Corporation Performance Evaluation


Submitted By ViktaRyan
Words 4550
Pages 19
A prototype 10-Mega Watts electricity central receiver plant located east of Barstow, California known as Solar Two. This plant was sponsored by a consortium of industries and utilities in partnership with the United States Department of Energy and thereafter in February 1997 began the regular production of electricity. The primary aspect of the evaluation of the performance process involves the financial analysis and the low-electricity analysis.
The Solar Two is a 10 mega Watt electricity molten salt central receiver. Here, a field of the sun`s energy is reflected onto the mounted cylindrical receivers on top of the tower by sun tracking mirrors called heliostats.
The objective is to discover how the performance evaluation helps organization and employees towards achieving personal and organizational goals. The analysis of the corporate`s financial performance all year round will assist the organization to locate its internal strength and weaknesses and the steps to increase its productivity. The aspect of financial evaluation serves as a foundation of aligning the company` s financial performance with the goals and objectives of the company.
Financial performance evaluation is a major function of the finance officer who assists the company to discover the points that needs improvement to increase the company`s competence and productivity. The scope of this analysis extends to the observation of the extent of evaluation results to assist in improving the performance in more efficient manner.

Financial Management
This is the organizing, planning, controlling, and directing the financial activities such as utilization and procurement of the funds and finances of the enterprise. It implies the general management principles to locate the financial resources of the company. It involves making of investment decisions in current assets

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