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Toxic Relationship In Middle School

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Toxic Relationship Being a small, 12 year- old 6th grader on his first middle school day is perhaps, one of the scariest, yet most memorable feelings ever. I entered middle school not knowing anyone or how the school system worked. The older, men like 8th graders, bigger/longer halls, and multiple classes were all too much to take in, but mainly intimidating. All of these different nerves weren't close to the nerves of having to make new friends. Since 90% of the 6th graders knew each other from elementary, making friends was going to be even harder for me. I didn’t want to appear annoying to anyone, so I simply decided to stay to myself and hope for a friend or friends to come into my life.
A week of lonely breaks and lunches felt like eternity. Surprisingly, a few of the 8th grade boys approached me the following week. They asked me if I wanted to hang out with them, which was very strange to me, knowing …show more content…
I ate lunch, talked, and hung out with my new “friends.” We often got in trouble with teachers and other faculty because of the childish things we would do or make me do, but I was never aware of the trouble I was getting myself into. All I really cared about was keeping my friends, so I never disappointed them. It was all fun and games, till one day when they asked me if I ever smoked. Even though it was a simple question, the fact that I knew they did it, made me wonder. I didn't want to seem uncool, so I told them I did, which led to smoking with them. Ever since that day, my attitude towards people and school change dramatically. All I wanted to do was hang out with them and get into pointless trouble. The thought of finding better friends occured to me from time to time, but having to make new friends again, would be a big struggle, I didn’t want to go through again. I was slowly realizing that my group of “friends” was bringing negative things into my life that on the long run, would affect my life in a worse

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