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Native American Family Analysis

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Compare and contrast the structure and function of the family in your native country against the family unit of the United States

Family is a groupe of people that share the same blood or the same ancestry. In other word a group of people that are related by blood. however there is no standard definition of family, everyone has his own conception of family (some people consider pet or friends even neighbors as part of family others don’t) so it may vary depending on the place you live or how close you are with the person. Is the conception of family in the usa the same like in my country cameroon? who is considered as a part of your family in each country? are all the people in each family are related by blood?i am going to be talking …show more content…
They don’t really care about other people like uncle, cousin,nephew etc. for example I recently went to my friend from Chicago wedding ceremony i sat on the same table with his cousin ( born and raised in Chicago) I was surprised when she told me that “i am on my cousin wedding but i have never met him before” then i went to my friend who was getting marriage and told him let me introduce you to your own cousin then we all started laughing. Oppositely in Cameroon, the family is very large (that is may be one of the reason we have a lot of problems) in additional of the usa family; uncle, cousin, niece, nephew are part of the family. Even further, when you get married you familly in law is considered as your family too. There is saying stating that ‘if your marriage someone you marriage his or her entire family too” .sometime your friend is considered as part of family depending on your relationship. Also polygamy (the fact that a man can get marriage with many women) is allow in my Cameroon therefore in some family only one man can even have 5 wives and 20 children. some people even say “the more wives you have the more powerful you are” and that is not the case in the united states where some children are raised by the single parent or homosexuel

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