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Soc 315 Week 2


Submitted By ar627y
Words 1995
Pages 8
University of Phoenix Material
Multicultural Matrix and Analysis Worksheet
Part I: Select and identify six groups in the left-hand column. Complete the matrix.
Part II: Write a summary.
Part III: Format references consistent with APA guidelines.

|Part I: Matrix |What is the group’s history in the United |What is the group’s population in the |What are some attitudes and customs |What is something you admire about |
| |States? |United States? |people of this group may practice? |this group’s people, lifestyle, or |
| | | | |society? |
|Native Americans |Native Americans were already residing in |The 2010 census reported 2.9 million |Native Americans are known because of |Throughout history, Native Americans |
| |what is known today as the United States |people with Native American heritage. |their humble background. Although the |were slain, abused, and now |
| |when America was discovered. They also |This number represents an increase of |majority of them do not share |outnumbered. Despite of these facts, |
| |remained present at the time of the European|26.7% of Native Americans in the United |Christianity as the common religion they |the Native American culture remains |
| |migration. The needs of early |States in comparison to the 2000 U.S. |believe a Highly Spiritual life though |mostly pure and has vast influence

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