...Royal University of Law and Economics Case Study 26 “JetBlue Airways IPO Valuation” Lecturer: Kou Lim Hong Prepared By: 1. Ms. Khoun Davy 2. Ms. Khoun Dalin 3. Ms. Chiem Sothana 4. Mr. Soksithika 5. Mr. Oag Sothearith 6. Mr. Mov Vandara MFM, Group 2 team 6 2011-2012 Outline of The Presentation I. II. Introduction of Case Study Main Problem III. Literature Review IV. Case analysis V. Conclusion Outline of The Presentation I. II. Introduction of Case Study Main Problem III. Literature Review IV. Case analysis V. Conclusion Introduction of Case Study JetBlue Airway Background JetBlue airways are a low cost airline established in July 1999 by David Neeleman. David Neeleman was experienced in the operations of airline and start up airlines. The airline was to provide new levels of service in the airline travel industry, concentrating on customer service and low fares. Introduction of Case Study JetBlue Airway Background David Neeleman plan was to commit to innovation in people, policies and technology to keep the companies planes full and thus the company profitable. To ensure this goal and the company’s future David Neeleman assembled and impressive management team and group of investors. JetBlue’s COO was to be David Barger ex-vice president of Continental Airlines. John Owen who was executive vice-president and treasurer of Southwest Airlines agreed to become JetBlue’s CFO. Introduction of Case Study JetBlue Airway Background David...
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...International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance, Vol. 1, No. 1, June, 2010 2010-023X 103 Abstract—Nowadays the business world is changing at a faster and faster pace. The reasons given for this is globalization, highs information technology (IT) investments and the rapid pace of technological change. Organizations are responding in different ways and at different rates to the wide range of IT based opportunities and pressures. The purpose of this paper is to focus on the effects of IT related organizational changes on the management accounting function and to contribute to the body of knowledge about to what extent IT affects the ability to solve accounting tasks. The relationship between IT and accounting practices was investigated qualitatively using six case studies and we will measure the impact of IT on accountants’ tasks. The findings suggest a tendency for change and the decentralization of accounting tasks. Index Terms—Accounting, Accounting Information Systems, Financial Documents, Information Technology, Management Information System. I. INTRODUCTION Nowadays the business world is changing at a faster and faster pace. The reasons given for this is globalization, highs IT investments and the rapid pace of technological change in combination with escalating costs of research and development (Frishamar, 2002). The role of information technology (IT) has shifted over the last decades (Teng & Calhoun, 1996) to become an important part of how ...
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...Integrated Case study AN ANALYSIS OF THE CASE MAN GROUP (A) January 2013 Integrated Case Study: Man Group (A) Contents Page Acknowledgements Executive Summary Chapter 1: Introduction 1 Chapter 2: Case brief 4 Chapter 3: Problem statement and Analysis 8 3.1 Problem statement for Man Group Plc (A) 3.2 Literature review 3.3 Proposed plan of analysis 3.4 Sources of data Chapter 4: Analysis and Findings 22 An assessment of the current position Chapter 5: Proposed solution to Problems 29 5.1 Integrated discussion of the analysis 5.2 Recommendations 5.3 Proposed plan of action 5.4 Limitations of the study, scope for further research Chapter 6: Application to another case 35 6.1 Background 6.2 Description of the comparator company’s situation 6.3 Testing the recommendations on the comparator company Appendices References Word count: 11,980 Acknowledgements My sincere regards and gratitude goes to Almighty God who gave me strength and will to complete my studies successfully. I give my deepest regards to my supervisor Dr. K. Vijay Shenai for his guidance, support and dedication towards all his students. I extend my regards to all my friends who supported me through my studies and were of immense help to me. My warm regards and love for my parents who have always been an inspiration to me and have always supported me throughout my studies, this would...
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...Achieving Business & IT Alignment Through Business Capabilities & Governance September 21, 2010 Thrivent Financial for Lutherans • Not-for-profit, Fortune 500 financial services membership organization • Largest fraternal benefit society in U.S. • Help approximately 2.6 million members achieve financial security and give back to their communities • Offer a broad range of financial products and services • More than $67 billion in assets under management • Ranked 342 on Fortune 500 list based on 2009 revenue of $6.514 billion Confidential – For Internal Use Only -2- Agenda • Creating Alignment with Business Capabilities • Case Study • Optimizing Investments: Governance -3- Agenda • Creating Alignment with Business Capabilities • Case Study • Optimizing Investments: Governance -4- Creating Alignment with Business Capabilities Evolution not Revolution Strategy Capability Process Capability Capability Capability People/ Organization People/ Organization Strategy Process Skills/Training Framework/Methodology Framework/Methodology 2006 2007 2008 2009 Developed Thrivent Capability Map Used capabilities to communicate common needs and project overlaps to achieve reuse savings. Defined roadmaps relevant to Thrivent Create a business architecture practice -5- Creating Alignment with Business Capabilities Business Capability Planning Strategies Vision 2011 Comp Redesign Member Access Points...
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...International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance, Vol. 1, No. 1, June, 2010 2010-023X Information Technology roles in Accounting Tasks – A Multiple-case Study Maria do Céu Gaspar Alves Abstract—Nowadays the business world is changing at a faster and faster pace. The reasons given for this is globalization, highs information technology (IT) investments and the rapid pace of technological change. Organizations are responding in different ways and at different rates to the wide range of IT based opportunities and pressures. The purpose of this paper is to focus on the effects of IT related organizational changes on the management accounting function and to contribute to the body of knowledge about to what extent IT affects the ability to solve accounting tasks. The relationship between IT and accounting practices was investigated qualitatively using six case studies and we will measure the impact of IT on accountants’ tasks. The findings suggest a tendency for change and the decentralization of accounting tasks. Index Terms—Accounting, Accounting Information Systems, Financial Documents, Information Technology, Management Information System. I. INTRODUCTION Nowadays the business world is changing at a faster and faster pace. The reasons given for this is globalization, highs IT investments and the rapid pace of technological change in combination with escalating costs of research and development (Frishamar, 2002). The role of information technology...
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...1 of 15 Assignm ent 2 Garment Industry Case Study MIS – Garment Industry Case Study 2 of 15 The Business Problem In common with the rest of the UK textile and garment industry, IGL faced problems of increasing competition from overseas suppliers, in particular relatively low-wage “Newly Industrialising Countries” like Hong Kong. In response to these competitive pressures, The Special Garment Group began searching for appropriate strategies to meet the challenge. In early 1983, they hired management consultants to study the future of their contract garments business. MIS – Garment Industry Case Study Organizational Structure CONGLOMERATE INTERNATIONAL GARMENTS LIMITED BOARD 3 of 15 PRODUCT GROUP 1 SPECIAL GARMENTS GROUP BOARD PRODUCT GROUP 3 CHIEF EXECUTIVE PROFIT CENTRE 1 PROFIT CENTRE n COMMERCIAL DIRECTOR FINANCE DIRECTOR DP MANAGER DP MANAGER MIS – Garment Industry Case Study 4 of 15 SADT Diagram Suppliers Retailers Business Objectives & Strategies Policies & Plans Investment Proposal Project Plan Concepts & Business Needs . Flexibility . Responsiveness Production Control MICS Development Project User Training Management Info Education & Training DP Staff (SDC & SGG) Hardware MICS Application Finance Technology MIS – Garment Industry Case Study 5 of 15 Investm ent Proposal 1. increase the proportion of high value-added merchandise 2. improve the speed of response...
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...NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE NUS BUSINESS SCHOOL Department of Finance BMA5318: Investment Banking (Summer I: May-June 2012) Instructor: Banikanta Mishra Office: BIZ 1 Level 7-77 Telephone: +91-943-707-5075 E-mail: banikant@ximb.ac.in Prerequisite: BMA5008 (Financial Management) COURSE SYNOPSIS: This course is a blended introduction to Investment Banking (IB). It would combine theory and practice. To buttress our understanding of practice, we would do some case studies and also have practitioners give a Street Talk every week; some of them may discuss live projects and I may pitch in with my experience with past ones I have been directly involved in. Moreover, we would have both qualitative and quantitative discussions on most topics, the latter mainly being numerical examples (not any rocket science or high-flying calculus). Though we would talk about the global scenario, our focus, whenever possible, would be on Asia. After gaining an idea into what IB is and understanding the basics of Trading, we would study in detail the capital-raising process, mainly Underwriting and Syndication. Here, we would learn about IPO and SEO and ADR and GDR as well as about NIF and RUF. We would also get familiar with Euromarket and the innovative Euro instruments like Euronote and Euro-CP as well as Eurobond and Euroequity. This would also give an opportunity to get a glimpse into Financial Engineering in debt and equity instruments as well as about Structured...
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...The course is an introduction to the concepts, principles and analytical methods involved in making the broad variety of key investment decisions regarding commercial real estate. It is designed to supplement, rather than replace SURP 844: Real Estate Project Planning. Therefore, the emphasis of this course is on commercial real estate investment rather than development. However, some elements of the latter will inevitably be addressed. The focus will be on fullyoperational income-generating properties, primarily large in scale. The main asset types of office, industrial, retail and multi-unit residential will be discussed (and possibly a few more specialized types). Another emphasis of the course will be on the micro level – the evaluation of the investment merits of individual properties (or at least individual transactions). Less attention will be paid to the macro level i.e. portfolio management. To the extent possible, the course content (including readings, cases and assignments) will be Canadian (although it is recognized that real estate investment is increasingly a global endeavor). This is primarily a combination seminar and case study course. It is designed around a cornerstone of five carefully chosen guest speakers, who will each address their specific area of expertise within commercial real estate investment. Course readings, case studies, exercises and assignments complement the guest lectures. With its “hands-on” practical orientation, this course provides many...
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...Project Economics and Management Paper Code: 3.1 Unit-1 Concepts of projects; project identification; formulation, analysis, risk, planning, design, report and appraisal; location of an enterprise; factory design and layout. Unit-II Understanding financial analysis; ratio analysis; fund flow analysis; breakeven analysis; social cost-benefit analysis; budgeting and planning process. Unit-III Sources of development finance; institutional finance to entrepreneurs; working capital management; incentives and subsidies; policies governing entrepreneurship; role of a consultancy organization. Unit-IV A review of project performance; post evaluation approach; community participation in projects; SWOT analysis; managing risk and exposure. Suggested Readings: 1. 2. 3. 4. Note: 1. 2. Four case studies will be discussed in a paper by the concerned teacher in the class. Instructions for External Examiner: The question paper will have two sections. Section ‘A’ shall comprise eight questions (two questions from each unit). The candidates will be required to attempt four questions (selecting one question from each unit). Section ‘B’ will contain one CASE STUDY which will be compulsory. All five questions will carry equal marks. Chandra, P., Project Planning Analysis, Selection, Implementation and Review, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi. Hedemey, J.W., Control and Management of Capital Projects, John Wiley, New York. Wysocki, R.K., R. Bick and D. B. Crane, Effective Project Management, John Wiley and...
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...Batch MBA Program) COMPULSORY COURSES MBA-II Semester-IV Sub Name: - Comprehensive Project Report – Industry Defined Problem (CP-IDP) Sub Code: - 2830004 In addition to Major Specializations, there will be over sixty Sectorial / Industry Areas for Practical studies in which theoretical papers / books are not to be taught in regular classroom sessions, but the teachers and students are free to use any available books, publications and online material to understand and guide the students for various sectors. Ideally, a teacher should study and specialize in at least TWO Sectors, so four teachers can guide 60 students in a class. (Reference: Appendix 1: List of Sectorial Areas for Comprehensive Project study given in Sem III Syllabus). This report is similar to the Grand Project, which was the part of earlier syllabus. The Comprehensive Project Report is based on the research methodology and students have to prepare the research report by using appropriate scientific statistical research tools for preparation of the CP in consultation with the faculty guide. (Please also refer the Guidelines for CP in MBA Semester III, as the same Project Title continues in Semester IV). A student has to opt for any ONE of the Sectorial Areas and study it thoroughly. The students may undertake the CP based on the selection of an Industry Defined Problem (IDP), if possible for conducting his/her Project. The work of the CP report is divided in Semester -III and Semester -IV and students have to undertake...
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...ECFS895 Private Equity Investment AFC Term 1 CBD 2015 Dept of Applied Finance and Actuarial Studies Contents General Information Learning Outcomes General Assessment Information Assessment Tasks Delivery and Resources Unit Schedule Learning and Teaching Activities Policies and Procedures Graduate Capabilities Changes from Previous Offering Important Notice Standards Required to Complete the Unit Satisfactorily 2 2 3 3 7 8 10 10 12 15 15 15 Disclaimer Macquarie University has taken all reasonable measures to ensure the information in this publication is accurate and up-to-date. However, the information may change or become out-dated as a result of change in University policies, procedures or rules. The University reserves the right to make changes to any information in this publication without notice. Users of this publication are advised to check the website version of this publication [or the relevant faculty or department] before acting on any information in this publication. http://unitguides.mq.edu.au/unit_offerings/52041/unit_guide/print 1 Unit guide ECFS895 Private Equity Investment General Information Unit convenor and teaching staff Lecturer (Sydney/Melbourne) Stephane Chatonsky stephane.chatonsky@mq.edu.au Contact via Email Unit Convenor / Lecturer Roger Casey roger.casey@mq.edu.au Contact via Email Credit points 2 Prerequisites (Admission to MAppFin or PGCertAppFin or GradDipAppFin) and ECFS866 Corequisites Co-badged status Unit description This...
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...social and governance (ESG) analysis into their fair value calculations. The members of the ESG Integration Working Group are: Neil Brown Alliance Trust Investments - Working Group Chair Bruce Kahn Deutsche Bank Climate Change Advisors Andre Bertolotti Quotient Investors Masahiro Kato Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation – observer Paul Bugala Calvert Investments Tony Campos FTSE Group Erica Lasdon Calvert Investments Cécile Churet RobecoSAM Barb MacDonald British Columbia Investment Management Corporation Leanne Clements London Pension Funds Authority Mary Jane McQuillen ClearBridge Investments Jennifer Coulson British Columbia Investment Management Corporation Christie Stephenson NEI Investments Lisa Domagala Solaris Investment Management Ralf Frank DVFA (Society of Investment Professionals in Germany) Dr. Hendrik Garz Sustainalytics (previously employed by West LB) Bryan Thomson British Columbia Investment Management Corporation Mike Tyrrell SRI-Connect Stéphane Voisin Cheuvreux Niamh Whooley Société Générale Robert Hauser Zürcher Kantonalbank (ZKB) Between March and May 2012 the ESG Integration Working Group interviewed 17 brokers, research providers and investment managers to draw out best practice examples of integrated equity analysis. These case studies form the basis of this review (see Appendix 1 for a list of those interviewed and the research reviewed). Thanks to the PRI ESG Working Group who have...
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...Beyond the Business Case: New Approaches to IT Investment As IT becomes more closely tied to business objectives, successful investment must consider two dimensions: technology scope and strategic objectives. Jeanne W. Ross and Cynthia M. Beath When senior managers at United Parcel Service (UPS) first decided more than 15 years ago that package tracking had become a competitive necessity in the package-delivery industry, they discovered that developing the capability was not as simple as writing or buying a package-tracking application. The company needed to develop networks, databases and processing capacity before it could even begin to offer tracking services.1 At about the same time, Delta Air Lines began focusing essentially all its information-technology spending on rebuilding its airport systems and infrastructure, in part to address Y2K concerns. But shortly after Jan. 1, 2000, in what the CIO described as a “land rush,” line managers submitted requests for IT investments that totaled almost three times what Delta could allocate. Each request presented a business case that promised significant positive returns on investment. But combined, they far exceeded the ability of the IT unit to deliver.2 Such experiences are not unusual. In the last 15 years, a tidal wave of ITenabled initiatives, from business-process reengineering to enterpriseresource planning, has elevated the importance of investing strategically in IT. Jeanne W. Ross is principal research scientist...
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...Research in Global Strategic Management Emerald Book Chapter: MULTINATIONALS, ENVIRONMENT AND GLOBAL COMPETITIO A CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK Sarianna M Lundan Article information: To cite this document: Sarianna M Lundan, (2003),"MULTINATIONALS, ENVIRONMENT AND GLOBAL COMPETITION: A CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK", (ed.) Multinationals, Environment and Global Competition (Research in Global Strategic Management, Volume 9), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 1 - 22 Permanent link to this document: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S1064-4857(03)09001-6 Downloaded on: 10-07-2012 References: This document contains references to 35 other documents To copy this document: permissions@emeraldinsight.com This document has been downloaded 877 times since 2008. * Users who downloaded this Chapter also downloaded: * Michael W Hansen, (2003),"ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS OF DANISH FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT IN DEVELOPING COUNTRI COUNTRY FACTORS IN SHAPING THE GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL PRACTICES OF DANISH MULTINATIONALS", Sarianna M. L Multinationals, Environment and Global Competition (Research in Global Strategic Management, Volume 9), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 65 - 94 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S1064-4857(03)09004-1 Ans Kolk, Rob van Tulder, (2003),"INTERNATIONALIZATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL REPORTING: THE GREEN FACE OF THE WO MULTINATIONALS", Sarianna M. Lundan, in (ed.) Multinationals, Environment and Global Competition (Research in Global Strategic Management, Volume 9), Emerald Group Publishing...
Words: 10391 - Pages: 42
...social and governance (ESG) analysis into their fair value calculations. The members of the ESG Integration Working Group are: Neil Brown Alliance Trust Investments - Working Group Chair Bruce Kahn Deutsche Bank Climate Change Advisors Andre Bertolotti Quotient Investors Masahiro Kato Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation – observer Paul Bugala Calvert Investments Tony Campos FTSE Group Erica Lasdon Calvert Investments Cécile Churet RobecoSAM Barb MacDonald British Columbia Investment Management Corporation Leanne Clements London Pension Funds Authority Mary Jane McQuillen ClearBridge Investments Jennifer Coulson British Columbia Investment Management Corporation Christie Stephenson NEI Investments Lisa Domagala Solaris Investment Management Ralf Frank DVFA (Society of Investment Professionals in Germany) Dr. Hendrik Garz Sustainalytics (previously employed by West LB) Bryan Thomson British Columbia Investment Management Corporation Mike Tyrrell SRI-Connect Stéphane Voisin Cheuvreux Niamh Whooley Société Générale Robert Hauser Zürcher Kantonalbank (ZKB) Between March and May 2012 the ESG Integration Working Group interviewed 17 brokers, research providers and investment managers to draw out best practice examples of integrated equity analysis. These case studies form the basis of this review (see Appendix 1 for a list of those interviewed and the research reviewed). Thanks to the PRI ESG Working Group who have...
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