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Achieving Business & It Alignment


Submitted By chenzhen
Words 3060
Pages 13
Achieving Business & IT Alignment
Through Business Capabilities & Governance

September 21, 2010

Thrivent Financial for Lutherans

• Not-for-profit, Fortune 500 financial services membership organization • Largest fraternal benefit society in U.S. • Help approximately 2.6 million members achieve financial security and give back to their communities • Offer a broad range of financial products and services

• More than $67 billion in assets under management • Ranked 342 on Fortune 500 list based on 2009 revenue of

$6.514 billion

Confidential – For Internal Use Only



• Creating Alignment with Business Capabilities • Case Study • Optimizing Investments: Governance



• Creating Alignment with Business Capabilities • Case Study • Optimizing Investments: Governance


Creating Alignment with Business Capabilities
Evolution not Revolution

Strategy Capability Process Capability Capability Capability People/ Organization

People/ Organization

Strategy Process Skills/Training







Developed Thrivent Capability Map

Used capabilities to communicate common needs and project overlaps to achieve reuse savings.

Defined roadmaps relevant to Thrivent

Create a business architecture practice


Creating Alignment with Business Capabilities
Business Capability Planning

Vision 2011 Comp Redesign Member Access Points Service Strategy Integrated Fraternal

Vision 2011 PMO Brand Member Experience (Lateral Mechanism) Fraternal Integration PAC

(Lateral Mechanism)

(Lateral Mechanism)
Change Mgmt

2008 Q4
This Quarter

2009 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1

2010 Q2 Q3




Web Strategy Program Roadmap
Last updated: Tuesday, October 23, 2007


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