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What Football Mean To Me Research Paper

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Is it the best sport in the world? Is it your job? Is it your life, or in the words of so many commentators “is football merely a game?” The fact is that football is the most popular sport on our planet. It brings communities together and can form bonds which lasts a lifetime. Football means the world to me, it is all that I ever do, and I see it as more of a lifestyle than just a sport or a hobby. I put my blood, sweat and tears into football hoping to achieve my aspirations of becoming professional and I think that IMG is the perfect place because of the world class facilities and staff. I feel that not only will IMG change me as an athlete, but it will change me as a person helping me become more independent as I struggle with independence.
IMG has been known to produce some world class athletes in the past which makes me feel blessed as I have the opportunity to work with the staff in the facilities that they have. I am a player that is always thriving to work hard and get better and I think that there is no better place than IMG to push me to my limit and beyond to help get better every day. …show more content…
It is all that I ever do if I am not outside playing I am driving my mum crazy by playing in the kitchen. Shyness hasn’t held me back from anything I still work as hard as physically possible to develop my game every time I go out onto a field. Football has built my confidence juristically, I went from being shy to being more enthusiastic and open with the people around me. Last year I was selected to play for Bermuda’s under 15 national team which shows me that my hard work has payed off and that my confidence is building up rapidly. I have only been playing football for four years which shows how quickly my confidence has built

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