...Work……………………………………………………….11 Church Status………………………………………………………….....11 Known Believers………………………………………………………….12 Challenges……………………………………………………………......13 Present Strategies…………………………………………………....….14 Proposed Strategy………………………………………………………..…….15 Accessing the Country…………………………………………………..15 Discipleship and Church Planting Strategy…………………………...16 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………....18 Bibliography…………………………………………………………………......20 Figures – Physical Map of Bayan-Ulgii, Mongolia…………………………..3 Introduction The Kazakhs of Mongolia are a people untouched by the gospel fire and the redeeming love of Jesus Christ. The Kazakh’s of Mongolia are the largest ethnic minority group in Mongolia, numbering over 100,000 and mainly live in the western province of Bayan Ulgii. These nomadic people migrated from their homeland of Kazakhstan and are a people rooted in tradition and ancient customs, which make the gospel fire difficult to ignite within their hearts. Figure 1: Physical Map of Bayan-Ulgii, Mongolia. The country of Mongolia is bordered by Russia to the north and China to the south. Joshua Project gives the Kazakh’s of Mongolia a 1.2 on their progress scale, which means there are less than 2% Evangelicals and less than 5% Christian...
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...LIBERTY UNIVERSITY UNREACHED PEOPLE GROUP: THE COMORIANS OF THE GRAND COMOROS (NGAZIDJA) A RESEARCH PAPER SUBMITTED TO DR. NEAL CREECY GLST 500 GLOBAL STUDIES SURVEY BY WESLEY J. HAROLD LYNCHBURG, VIRGINIA MARCH 7, 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction...............................................................................................................3 II. Background Information...........................................................................................4 A. History, Language and Culture......................................................................4 B. Economy, Religion, and Family...................................................................7 C. Maps and Regional Information.................................................................10 III. Survey of Current Mission Work............................................................................11 A. The Invisible Church....................................................................................11 B. Can Someone Help.......................................................................................12 C. Difficulties in the Region.............................................................................13 IIII. Proposed Strategy.....................................................................................................15 A. The C-Spectrum............................................................................
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...Hidatsa tribe. Prior to the reservation era, the women were primarily responsible for farming, including clearing fields, harvesting and processing vegetables. Amazingly, women also constructed the earthlodges, with men assisting with the heavy labor. The men hunted, fished, conducted warfare, trapped eagles, and conducted religious rituals. Progressing into the future, the Hidatsa economy changed in which the men became storekeepers, farmers, ranchers, and ministers. Currently, the economic development of the tribe has shifted. As many tribes across the country accumulate capital because of Indian gaming, non-gaming economic development is receiving more attention. Many tribes, including the Three Affiliated Tribes (Hidatsa), are resource rich tribes and have chosen to explore and develop their mineral resources. The Three Affiliated Tribes have almost 600,000 acres of land in North Dakota on the Fort Berthold Reservation which is open for oil and gas exploration. The reservation lies close to the Nesson Anticline which is a large oil producing structure in the southern Williston Basin. The oil recovered from this region of Fort Berthold will be of significant benefit. According to a 2010 Congressional Report, unemployment within Native Americans was at 50% which highlighted the urgent need to create jobs in Indian country. Another report conducted by the Pew Research Center in 2012 shows that Native Americans have a higher poverty and unemployment rate when compared with the...
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...Seventh-day Adventist CHURCH MANUAL Revised 2005 17th Edition Published by the Secretariat General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Copyright © 2005 by the Secretariat, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Unless otherwise indicated, all Bible texts are from the King James Version. Scripture quotations marked NASB are from the New American Standard Bible, copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. Texts credited to NEB are from The New English Bible. © The Delegates of the Oxford University Press and the Syndics of the Cambridge University Press 1961, 1970. Reprinted by permission. Texts credited to NIV are from the Holy Bible, New International Version. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers. Bible texts credited to RSV are from the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyright © 1946, 1952, 1971, by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. Used by permission. Texts credited to RV are from The Holy Bible, Revised Version, Oxford University Press, 1911. Printed in U.S.A. 09 08 07 06 5 4 3 2 1 ISBN 0-8280-1947-9 ISBN 0-8280-1948-7 hardcover paperback Printed and distributed by the Review and Herald® Publishing Association Hagerstown, Maryland 21740 Table of Contents Introduction .........................................................
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...a di v i si on of gospel for www.gfa.org a si a Re a de rs Re spo nd t o Revolution in World Missions “I have just read Revolution in World Missions. This book greatly ministered to me and stirred me in a way no book has ever done. How can we order more copies?” —Pastor J.P., Lakeside, Oregon “Your book stirred me to tears and drove me to prayer!” —Miss J.S., Towson, Maryland “I have read Revolution in World Missions twice, and now I am more convinced than ever that investing in national missionaries and Bridge of Hope children will yield better returns than silver or gold. Thank you for waking me up, Brother K.P.” —Mr. K.G., Calgary, Alberta “I read your book and think it is one of the most dynamic, down-to-earth books that I have ever read. I want to give a copy to our pastor, each board member and selected other people at our church.” —Mr. P.W., Santa Margarita, California “K.P. Yohannan’s book draws the Church back to the very heart of what Christ has called us to do. I would urge every Christian, and especially every pastor, to read this book with a humble heart before the Lord. I’m reading it through again, and it’s still a heart-stirring blessing.” —Pastor M.W., Worthing, England “We have been challenged and convicted by Revolution in World Missions. We believe that our Lord Jesus is offering us the chance to share in His work in Asia—a chance we don’t want to miss!” —Mr. and Mrs. M.D., Pacifica, California “We...
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...Assignment 2: Report on Religious Field Research Sage Smith REL 212 Monique Baucham March 11, 2012 I chose to research the Catholic religion since I know very little about the Catholicism except that it was my mother’s religion. I went to church very briefly but was too young to grasp what Catholicism was about and how a Catholic was taught to act and believe. When I was in high school, I briefly dated someone who was a very conservative Catholic and we talked about our beliefs. He informed me I could never be a ‘true’ Catholic because some of my personal beliefs went against the church’s teaching. However when I asked him if his views were based off personal beliefs, like mine, or if they were due to the teachings of his religion he couldn’t truly answer. That experience really turned me off to Catholicism. I felt religion wasn’t for me if that was what the church was teaching its ‘flock’; forcing them to believe what the church wants you to believe and installing within you the fear of sinning against or the threat of being removed from the church if your views are different. I’m not one who believes in following the teaching of a religion verbatim especially since most religions have not evolved with the changes of time and still hold strong to the ideals and beliefs that were prevalent hundreds of years ago. Before researching Catholicism I had many misconceptions regarding the Catholic religion. When I decided to research Catholicism I really felt...
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...WAYLAND BAPTIST UNIVERSITY SAN ANTONIO CAMPUS CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE AND CHRISTIAN ETHICS A RESEARCH PROJECT SUBMITTED TO DR. JOHN M. ANDREWARTHA IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR BASIC CHRISTIAN ETHICS RLGN 5323 SUBMITTED BY ROBERT L. JOHNSON April 14, 2008 Table of Contents Introduction…………………………………………………………………….……....1 Part I: Definition of Civil Disobedience………………………………………..….…..1 Part II: Definition of Christian Ethics…………..……………………………….……..1 Part III: Biblical and Historical Practice of Civic Responsibility.……………………..2 Part IV: The Rise of Political Power in the Church and the Struggles Associated…….7 Part V: The Necessity for Civil Disobedience..………………………………………..9 Part VI: What Difference Did the Civil Rights Struggle Make? ..................................12 Conclusion…....................................................................................................................16 Bibliography…………………………………………………………………………….18 INTRODUCTION This research will focus on the topic of “Civil Disobedience and its Relativity to Christian Ethics.” The research will address whether it is ever justifiable to disobey the laws of secular governments. In doing so, it will discuss the Doctrine of Civic Responsibility as it relates to Christian Ethics. Furthermore, Romans 13:1-7 will be referenced to provide additional insight into how the Church has historically responded to civil government’s...
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...Foundations Brigham Young University–Idaho 2013-2014 This is an exciting time to be associated with Brigham Young University-Idaho as it continues on a steady, upward course of academic innovation. Dedicated administrators and faculty members are continually working to prepare students to be well educated academically as well as spiritually. One of the university’s academic developments is our general education program called Foundations. Just as the name suggests, Foundations is designed to provide a strong base for the rest of your university experience and throughout your life. Foundations presents a focused approach to general education, allowing students to explore specific aspects of diverse subjects, delving deep into each topic. The courses are interdisciplinary and have been created through countless hours of faculty collaboration to provide you with the most effective learning outcomes. Foundations courses are divided into five groups: Eternal Truths, Academic Fundamentals, Science, Cultural Awareness, and Connections. While some courses are required, others are left to personal preference. You will be blessed as you enter these inspired classes with an open mind and willing heart. I invite you to carefully review the Foundations courses available and determine which classes will benefit you most. I wish you success in this and every other endeavor here at BYU-Idaho. Best regards, Kim B. Clark President, Brigham Young University-Idaho 47 Foundations Brigham...
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...The Gospel ACCORDING TO FEMIGOD He who has ears, let him hear The author and publisher have provided this e-book to you without Digital Rights Management software (DRM) applied so that you can enjoy reading it on your personal devices. THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO FEMIGOD Copyright © 2013 by Femigod Ltd. Published by Femigod Ltd. www.femigod.com Femigod® is a registered trademark of Femigod Ltd. ISBN: 9780992642600 For my darling sister, Pero. I love you dearly. No matter what you want, it’s yours. Beyond money and weapons. Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 1 Book One: Understanding Mainstream and Organised Religion.............................................................. 5 Christianity ............................................................................................................................................ 6 Islam ...................................................................................................................................................... 9 Hinduism.............................................................................................................................................. 12 Buddhism ........................................................................................................................................... 155 Chinese traditional religions ...........
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...UNIVERSITY OF CAPE TOWN DEPARTMENT OF HISTORICAL STUDIES Destruction of Cape San (Bushman) Society The hunter-gatherer communities of the Cape Colony were almost entirely destroyed as a result of pervasive settler violence under both Dutch and British colonial rule. Some scholars argue that the land dispossession, enforced labour incorporation, periodic massacre, and suppression of their culture inflicted on the San constitute genocide. While developments through the 18th century have been reasonably thoroughly documented, our knowledge of the 19th century is patchy because little research has been done on this period. RESEARCH TOPIC: MONIQUE CLASSEN CLSMON002 The ‘Christianization’ process of the London Missionary Society in 19th century South Africa: A case study of Bethelsdorp and Thornberg Contents PLAGIARISM DECLARATION 2 ABSTRACT 3 INTRODUCTION 4 THE LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY 7 Driving Ideologies Behind An Archetype of Civility and Modernity 9 THE ‘CHRISTIANIZATION’ STATIONS 11 The Institute of Bethelsdorp for the Khoekhoe 11 Thornberg Mission Station for the Heathen San 17 THE GROUNDWORK 21 CONCLUSION 26 BIBLIOGRAPHY 28 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS 1. Village of Bethelsdorp (from John Philip: Researchers in South Africa, London 1828) 2. Church and Mission House at Bethelsdorp (from a watercolor by John Campbell, 1819.) By courtesy of Africana Museum, Johannesburg 3. Map: Nineteenth-Century Mission Stations to Bushmen...
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...The Adjustment of Returning Missionaries to Their Native Country Mercedes Andersen Utah State University The Adjustment of Returning Missionaries to their Native Country Introduction Missionaries travel to many countries all over the world to share knowledge of salvation and humanitarian aid to those in need (Walling et.al., 2006). There are many different religions that send out missionaries in order to aid in the happiness of others. According to one church, a missionary is defined as “one who is called and sent with the intention of naming Jesus where he has not been named, preaching the gospel and the kingdom where they have not been preached, and gathering the community of the church where this has not been done” (Reilly, 1980, p. 435). One statement has been made is that the missionary “is sent not to a place so much as the people” (Reilly, 1980, p. 435). They are asked to labor among the people they serve in order to improve their overall quality of life, even if they do not hold the same beliefs. With the increase of technology and modes of transportation, the opportunity for individuals to participate in...
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...UNREACHED PEOPLE GROUP PROJECT: Arabized – Berbers of Morocco Keith Travis Global Studies Survey GLST 500 Dr. Stephen Parks April 9, 2013 Table of Contents Introduction1 Abstract1 Background3 History3 Language6 Culture6 Survey of Missions Work9 Challenges9 Status of the church10 Current Strategies11 Proposed Strategy13 Gaining Access13 Prayer14 Tent Making Skills15 Bonding & Partnerships16 Support17 Conclusion17 UnReached People Group Project Introduction It has been said that worship is the core or center of mission. The ultimate goal of any missionary is to bring people (entire people groups) into a passionate, relationship with God. John Piper states, “Missions is not the ultimate goal of the church. Worship is. Missions exists because worship doesn’t. Worship is ultimate, not missions, because God is ultimate, not man…It is a temporary necessity.” Taking it a step further, it is out of God’s love for Him that makes missions possible. The reality is that mankind has tasted God’s grace and love toward our fellow man by sharing what we have tasted, namely, God’s love. Steven Hawthorne notes that, “Worship fulfills God’s love. He loves people so vastly that He wills them to something better than greatness; He wants to bring them into an honored nearness to Him.” This is what I see in Isaiah. We see Isaiah worshipping God in all His glory and splendor and then God asks one of the most important...
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...1.0 INTRODUCTION Malaysia is dominated by a moderate Muslim majority, and has a secular legal system. But one quirky, quasi-religious group based in the country’s Islamic heartland, led by a man who claims to be God, is testing the country’s religious freedoms. Terengganu state, set in the lush north of Malaysia, has long been part of the spiritual and religious heart of the country. But the Terengganu village of Kampung Batu 13, about 400 kilometers north of Malaysia’s capital, Kuala Lumpur, is slightly different. It contains a six-acre commune, dominated by a building about the size of a two-story house, shaped like a giant pink teapot. Next to it is an umbrella shaped building and an assortment of other objects, such as a fishing boat and an oversized vase containing “holy” water. This is the village of Ayah Pin, a 61 years old Malay man, who claims to be God. And, according to Ayah Pin, several thousand others in Malaysia and overseas, believe him. 1.1 BACKGROUND OF AYAH PIN AYAH PIN, THE GROUP LEADER Ariffin Muhammad or more fondly known as Ayah Pin has several meanings of names; “Arif” is referring to Supreme, Intelligent or Equality and “Ayah” gives meaning of The Father , The leader. Ayah Pin who is the self-styled spiritual leader known to thousands of followers in Malaysia and internationally, has received revelations when he was a little boy. Ayah Pin’s ideology has 80% contents on spiritual matter. At age of 7 and 10, the holy angel, Gabriel, had visited...
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...978-0-8280-2570-6 hardcover paperback Printed and distributed by the Review and Herald® Publishing Association Hagerstown, Maryland 21740 Table of Contents CHAPTER 1 Why a Church Manual? ........................................................................17 Authority and Function of the Church Manual ..................................18 Making Changes ..............................................................................19 Where to Get Advice ......................................................................20 Terms Used in the Church Manual ....................................................20 Church..........................................................................................20 Conference, Mission, Section, Delegation, Field, Union of Churches ....20 Pastor and Minister ........................................................................20 Abbreviations ................................................................................21 Scripture Quotations ......................................................................21 CHAPTER 2 Church of the Living God ..................................................................22 No Wall of Partition ........................................................................22 Supreme Object of Christ’s...
Words: 75457 - Pages: 302
...Exchange 37 (2008) 124-155 www.brill.nl/exch Ethiopian Traditional Values versus the Social Teaching of the Church Solomon Dejene Research Student, Nijmegen Institute for Mission Studies, Nijmegen, The Netherlands Email: S.Dejene@nim.ru.nl Abstract Even if the Roman Catholic Church does not have a very long history in Ethiopia and constitutes a small minority of the society, her social significance is great in part due to the structural development programs she runs through out the country. The main aim of this paper is to identify how much the Church1 has made use of traditional systems and values in reflecting and communicating pastorally particularly in regard the Social of the Church (henceforth CST). By analyzing four selected pastoral letters, this article tries to spell out the strengths and shortcomings of the Church in employing traditional systems and values in giving form to the CST. Keywords Catholic social teaching, human dignity, common good, solidarity, reconciliation and peace, contextualization, Ethiopian traditional values Introduction Most of the current national boundaries of Africa were drawn during the colonial period and do not reflect the socio-cultural, ethno-linguistic and religious compositions of the colonies. Although Ethiopia has successfully overcome European colonial power and survived as an independent state with the exception of a five year Italian occupation (1936-41), its contemporary national boarder is a result of the scramble for Africa....
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