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Tutoring Situation Analysis

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Coping with Different Tutoring Situations
Being a Tutor requires more than what people usually think. Many would say that tutoring is easy, and all you need is to be good at grammar. In reality, to become a tutor, the person needs at least ten hours of training and after that strengthen the weak points that the person has in both grammar and structure. In addition, they need to learn how to cope with different situations that might be presented to them during a tutoring session such as unresponsive writers, the ones who plagiarize, and the one that comes at the last minute.
One of the most common situations is the unresponsive writer. These writers ask to be tutored, mostly as a requirement for an assignment, and they sit there quietly and …show more content…
These writers will go to the Writing Center looking for help just before their papers is due. These writers are the ones that need a lot of help, but there is so much a tutor can do in a session. When these students ask for help, they usually want the tutor to do all the job for them, but a tutor can only guide the student in how to write a better paper and correct them in the areas where they see that the student has the biggest issues. The tutor will do their best helping these students in the thirty minutes that a session takes place. During my training, I saw a session with a student that had to turn in their assignment that same day, and the student was so anxious about it because they barely had anything, but with the help of the tutor, the student calmed down and they did progress a lot in the assignment, by covering all the points that were extremely necessary for the writer to know and understand. At the end, in this situation, from what I could see, they advised the student to come back with more time before turning in the assignment, and this seemed like the best thing that they could tell them, so that students can know that tutors are willing to help them in every way they can, so that the student can improve every time they go to

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