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Me and Work


Submitted By currie11
Words 433
Pages 2
M1A3 Goals Identification and Reality Assessment Worksheet

Use this worksheet to organize your responses to Module 1, Assignment 3. Submit this worksheet in the Module 1: Assignment 3 Dropbox no later than Day 7 of Module 1. Include vocabulary and concepts from your readings to support and illustrate your own insights. In preparation for the papers you’ll write later in this course, take the time to organize your thoughts for each question and write clearly. The completed worksheet should be not more than three pages.

1. Describe a goal for interpersonal improvement in your personal life. Be sure to explain the following:

• What aspects of your own interpersonal communication skills would you like to improve? • How far are you from attaining this goal? • Do you think this goal is set too high or too low? Why, or why not? • How long will it take me to attain this goal? • If the goal will take a long time to attain, could you set smaller goals that you could attain while still working toward your bigger goal? • How will you benefit from successfully attaining your goal?

(Your personal goal and explanations go here. Be sure to respond to EACH question above.)

2. Describe a goal for interpersonal improvement in your academic life. Be sure to explain the following:

• As an online student, what areas would you like to improve to help you be a more successful student? • How far are you from attaining this goal? • Do you think this goal is set too high or too low? Why, or why not? • How long will it take me to attain this goal? • If the goal will take a long time to attain, could you set smaller goals that you could attain while still working toward your bigger goal? • How will you benefit from successfully attaining

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