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Submitted By surajkushe
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INTRODUCTION The Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) scheme of the University Grants Commission (UGC) is open to candidates who qualify in the National Eligibility Testing (NET) of the UGC and the UGC-Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) joint test. However, please note that these are qualifying tests only and do not bestow a fellowship upon the candidate. OBJECTIVE The objective of the JRF scheme is to provide opportunities to NET-qualified candidates to undertake advanced studies and research leading to M.Phil/Ph.D. Degrees in Humanities and Social Sciences including Languages and Sciences. TARGET GROUP/ELIGIBILITY Target Group: Candidates who have qualified in NET or the UGC-CSIR joint tests. Eligibility:Candidates who have qualified in NET or the UGC-CSIR joint test. However, the selection for the JRF is made by the universities/institutions/colleges. NATURE OF ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE UNDER THE SCHEME:The tenure of fellowship is initially for two years under the JRF scheme. Upon expiry of this period, the work of the Fellow will be evaluated by experts. If the research work is found satisfactory, his/her tenure will be extended for a further period of three years under the enhanced emoluments of the Senior Research Fellowship (SRF). In case the work for the first two years is not found satisfactory, an additional year will be given to him/her for improvement. However, during this period he/she will be designated as a Junior Research Fellow. In such cases work will be evaluated again after three years, and if improvement is found, the Fellow will get two more years under the SRF. Thus, the total period of fellowship (JRF and SRF) is five years, will no further provision of extension. 1

Fellowship Rs.12,000/-p.m. for initial two years JRF Rs.14,000/-p.m. for remaining tenure SRF Contingency A. Rs.10,000/-p.a. for initial two years Humanities & Rs.20,500/-p.a. for remaining tenure Social Sciences Contingency B. Rs.12,000/-p.a. for initial two years Science Rs.25,000/-p.a for remaining tenure Departmental Rs. 3,000/-p.a. per student to the host Assistance institution for providing infrastructure Escort/Reader @ Rs. 2,000/-p.m. in case of physically Assistance handicapped & blind candidates HRA as per rule of the concerned institution Or Categorization of cities __________________________________________________________________________ @ @ @ @ @ @ @

House Rent Allowance: Suitable single-seated hostel accommodation may be provided to the JRF candidate in the institutions. In case of non-availability, HRA as per rules of the university/institution will be paid, to the fellow subject to the submission of HRA Certificate through the Registrar/Principal. Junior Research Fellows provided with accommodation in a hostels recognized/maintained by the institutions may be reimbursed the hostel fee, excluding mess, electricity and water charges, etc. A certificate to this effect is to be furnished through the Registrar/Principal (Annexure I). If the fellow makes his/her own arrangements of accommodation, he/she may be entitled to draw HRA as per categorization of cities by the Government of India. The fellow will submit a certificate for the purpose to the UGC for claiming HRA through the concerned university/institution/colleges. Medical: No separate/fixed medical assistance is provided. However, the fellow may avail of the medical facilities available in the institution/university/college. Leave: JRFs are entitled for a maximum period of 30 days of leave in a year in addition to public holidays. They are not entitled to any other vacations. Women candidates are eligible for maternity leave of 180 days at full rates of fellowship once during the tenure of their award. Beside this an ‘Intermittent Break’ for a maximum period of 2 years may also be permissible to the women candidate. This Flexi Time period should not be counted towards the tenure of the fellowship and thus effectively the total period of fellowship should remain the same.

In special cases Junior Research Fellows may be allowed leave without fellowship by the Commission upto one academic year during the entire tenure of the award for accepting teaching assignments on a temporary basis, provided the assignment is in the same city/town. In other cases, leave without fellowship will be restricted to a period not exceeding three months during the tenure of the award on the recommendations of the supervisor and the institution. The period of leave without fellowship will be counted towards the total tenure of the award. JRF/SRFs are advised to apply for leave through universities/institutions/colleges well in advance for the approval of the Commission. Procedure For Applying For The Scheme:Only NET/UGC-CSIR joint tests qualified candidates are eligible to apply (for fellowship) under the scheme. The qualified candidates have to apply against the advertisements given by the universities/institutions/colleges recognized under Sec. 2 (f) and 12 (B) of the UGC Act. The selection is made as per the procedure of respective institutions. Those Universities/Institutes are not recognized under UGC Act. They may be enclosed notification of Govt. of India. 2

Procedure For Approval By The UGC:The award of JRFs is made candidates by the universities/institutions/colleges on the basis of UGC-CSIR/NET examinations for admissions to Ph.D., including M.Phil.

The candidate must get himself/herself registered for M.Phil/ Ph.D. at the first available opportunity but not later then a period of two years from the issue of Eligibility Certificate of UGC NET/UGC-CSIR Examinations. The actual payment of fellowship will be made with effect from the date of joining only. On completion of the above formalities, the Joining Report of the candidate duly signed by the Supervisor/Head of Department is to be sent to the UGC through the Registrar/Principal/Director along-with their attested copy of NET Certificate. Procedure For Release Of Grants By The UGC :On receipt of the Joining Report in the prescribed proforma (Annexure-II) and eligibility certificate from the university/institution, the UGC office will accept the candidature of the Fellow and will release the first installment of admissible grants to the institution/university/colleges on a financial year basis, that is, April to March each calendar year. The university/institution/college may pay the fellowship amount to the Fellows, out of the grant paid in lump sum by the Commission for the purpose in accordance with the rules, to avoid any hardship to the Fellow, due to delay in payment to them. The next installment of fellowship grant will be released to the university/institute/college on receipt of the Complete Utilization Certificate along-with item-wise Statement of Expenditure of the previous grant released by the UGC for the purpose, duly signed by the competent authority (Registrar/Finance Officer in case of universities and principals in case of colleges) (Annexure III, IV, V and VI) In special cases the Commission may place a JRF in an institution not covered by the UGC Act if the institution concerned agrees to provide all the infrastructure for the research of the fellow and to meet all expenditure out of departmental assistance as per rules. The Commission in such cases will either provide advance funds to such institutions and accept a Utilization Certificate/Statement of Expenditure duly signed by the JRF, countersigned by the head of the concerned institution or reimburse the expenditure incurred in accordance with the rules.

Procedure For Monitoring The Progress Of The Scheme:- The performance of the Junior or Senior Fellow is monitored by their respective supervisor/guide and reflected in the yearly progress report submitted to the University for submission to the UGC office. (Annexure VII). 3

On completion of first two years of award, the fellow may apply to the department/university concerned for the up gradation of SRF. For this a three member committee will be constituted with a Supervisor, Head of the Department and External Expert subject expert to evaluate the research work. The Minutes of the Constitution of Committee and recommendation of the Committee for up gradation may be sent to University Grants Commission. Therefore, the fellow will be upgraded and designated as SRF.(Annexure- VIII). The recommendation of the Committee in the prescribed proforma may be submitted to this office for record. The approval from UGC for up gradation is not mandatory. The fellowship may be terminated at any time during the tenure and the decision of the Commission will be final and binding. The tenure of the fellowship is for five years from the date of joining, subject to satisfactory progress report of the Fellow or submission of Ph.D. thesis, whichever is earlier. No extension is permissible beyond the total tenure of five years and the awardee ceases to be a UGC JRF/SRF immediately after expiry of the due date. Any claim/reference to this effect will be illegal and the individual may have to face disciplinary action for such an act. OTHER CONDITIONS The Fellow, with the consent of the guide/head of department, may assist the university/institution in its academic work, including tutorials, evaluation of the test papers, laboratory demonstration, supervision of fieldwork, library activities like group seminars and symposia, provided such work is not likely to hinder the research programmes on hand. The total amount of time to be spent on such activities should not exceed ten hours a week. In special cases the fellow is entitled for transfer of fellowship once during the tenure of their award. The fellow may apply to the UGC along-with No Objection Certificate from both Institutions duly forwarded by Registrar/Director/Principal for transfer of fellowship. CANCELLATION OF AWARD The fellowship is liable to cancellation in case of: Misconduct; Unsatisfactory progress of research work/failure in any examination related to M.Phil/Ph.D. or, He/She is found ineligible later.


ANNEXURE- I H. R. A. Certificate Certificate No. 1 Certified that Mr./Ms…………………………………………………….is paying house Rent of Rs. ………………………………………………………and is eligible to draw House Rent Allowance @ Rs……………………………………as per university rules w.e.f. Registrar OR Certificate No. 2 Certificate that Mr./Ms………………………………………………………………is Staying independently and, therefore, is eligible to draw House Resent Allowance of Rs……………….minimum admissible to a lecturer as per university rules w.e.f. Registrar OR Certificate No. 3 Certificate that Mr./Ms. ……………………………………………………….. has been Provided accommodation in the hostel. However, he/she could not be provided with single-seated flat-type accommodation as recommended by the Commission. Hostel fee @ Rs. …………………………….per month w.e.f. ………………………………is being charged from him/her. Registrar If, as a result of a check or audit objection, some irregularity is noticed at a later stage, action will be taken to refund, adjust or regularize the objected amount.

Signature of Awardee

Head of Department (Seal)

Registrar/Principal/Director (Seal of University/Institution)

N.B: For any correspondence in this regard, the Commission’s letter number and date may please be quoted without fail. 5




Name of Awardee: National Eligibility Test Date (Attested Copy to be enclosed): This is to certify that ……………………………………………..has joined the Department of ………………………………….for doing …M.Phil/Ph.D.…………………..under the above scheme of the University Grants Commission with effect from …………………(F.N./A.N.). He/She will be Provided with all necessary facilities during his/her tenure of award. The terms and conditions of the offer are acceptable to the awardee.

Also certified that the Fellow shall not accept/hold any emoluments, paid or otherwise, or receive emoluments, salary, stipend etc. ,from any other source during the tenure of the award.

Signature of Awardee

Supervisor (Seal)

Head of Department (Seal)

Registrar/Principal/Director (Seal of University/Institution)



Certificate that an amount of Rs………………………………………………………….. (Rupees ………………………………………………………….) sanctioned vide letter No…………………………dated……………………released to ………………… respect of Junior Research Fellowship / Senior Research Fellowship / Contingency/ HRA/ Departmental Assistance etc. under the scheme of ‘At any one given time basis’ has been utilized for the purpose for which it was sanctioned in accordance with the terms and conditions laid down by the UGC. Out of the grant sanctioned in respect of Mr./Ms………………………………has been carried forward/refunded vide Demand Draft No……………………………..dated ………………………for Rs. ………………

If, as a result of a check or audit objection, some irregularity is noticed at a later stage, action will be taken to refund/adjust or regularize the objected amount.

Signature of Awardee

Head of Department (Seal) 7

Registrar/Principal/Director (Seal of University/Institution)


FORM FOR SUBMISSION ACCOUNTS OF CONTINGENCY GRANTS AND UTILISATION CERTIFICATE W.E.F…………… 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Name of Awardee Code Number Name of the scheme under which He/she is working Period for which the account of Contingency grant relates Expenditure: : : : : From …………………………………. Amount……………..Dated……………… : : : : : :

a) b) c) d) e) f) 6.

Books and allied items Typing (tracing and ammonia printing) Stationery Postage Chemical and electrical goods Travel/field work Period for which the contingency Grant is payable expenditure of

: Rs. ……………… (Rupees ………….. the contingency grant of

Certificate that the

…………..………………………………………) out of Rs………………………sanctioned vide

Commission letter no. F……………..

dated………………………….in respect of ………………..has been utilized for the purpose for which it was sanctioned in accordance with the terms and conditions laid down by the University Grants Commission for utilization of contingency grant.


If, as a result of a check or audit objection, some irregularity is noticed at a later stage, action will be taken to refund/adjust or regularize the objected amount.

Signature of Awardee

Head of Department (Seal)

Registrar/Principal/Director (Seal of University/Institution)

N.B: For any correspondence in this regard, the Commission’s letter number and date may please be quoted without fail.



1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Name of the awardee Award letter number and date Name of the scheme under Which he/she is working Period to which the accounts of contingency grant relates Expenditure

: : :

From………………………………………. Amount ………………dated…………………

a) b) c) d) e)

Stores : Purchases : Technical & Clerical Assistance: Repairs : Electricity for which Department Assistance is payable : Period for which the Departmental Assistance is Payable


: of the Departmental

Certificate that the

expenditure of Rs. ………………………….. out

Assistance of Rs. …………………….sanctioned vide Commission letter No. F. ………………. Dated ……………… respect of …………………………..has been utilized for the purpose for which it was sanctioned in accordance with the terms and conditions laid down by the University Grants Commission for utilization of the Departmental Assistance grant.


If, as a result of a check or audit objection, some irregularity is noticed at a later stage, action will be taken to refund/adjust or regularize the objected amount.

Signature of Awardee

Head of Department (Seal)

Registrar/Principal/Director (Seal of University/Institution)

N.B: For any correspondence in this regard, the Commission’s letter number and date may please be quoted without fail.




Details of Research: a. Topic of research: b. Is the Fellow working on the topic for the award of doctorate degree? c. If so, the date of resignation with the university:


Date of commencement of research: a. At the University: b. Under the UGC Fellowship :

5. 6.

Total number of working days during the period: Number of days the Fellow remained on leave (with dates): a. With fellowship, number of days: From …………………………to……………………….. b. Without Fellowship, number of days: From………………………….to………………………..


Number days the Fellow remained out of station for fieldwork/travel with dates and place visited: a. Number of days………………………from………………………………….. b. places visited:


Number of days the fellow remained present at the university/college: 12


Published during the period under report: Title of the article/paper (please enclose reprint of each):


Title of monograph written during the period under report: Teaching work done during the period under report: a. Number of periods taken per week at B.Sc.(Engg.)/B.Tech./B.E. level: b. Number of periods taken per week at M.E./M.Sc./Engg/M.Tech. level:


A detailed account of the work done during the period (a separate sheet may be attached for the purpose): Comments of the supervisor on the progress of the research work during the period under report:


Signature of Awardee

Head of Department (Seal)

Registrar/Principal/Director (Seal of University/Institution)




SL. No.

Name of the scholar


Date of Joining

Grant paid for the year 1st to 5th year

Period of fellowship




Deptt. Asstt.


Date of UGC approval letter for


(Figures in Rupees )
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11





5th year Ext. 14






1. 2. 3.

All grants to be paid upto 31st March of the year, whenever the scholar has jointed The grant will be released only after the receipt of Utilisation Certificate and scrutiny the Statement of Expenditure showing nil balance. Must be mentioned reason in remarks column for any clarification.

ANNEXURE-VIII UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION SELECTION & AWARDS BUREAU SOUTH CAMPUS OF DELHI UNIVERSITY BENITO JUAREZ MARG THREE MEMBER ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE REPORT FOR UPGRADATION FROM JRF TO SRF UNDER THE SCHEME OF JRF IN SCIENCES, HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES. Assessment for up gradation of Mr./Mrs. …………………………………………….JRF working at the Department of ……………………………………...…University / Institution / College ………………………………..on completion of two years on date………………………. CONSTITUTION OF THE COMMITTEE (Name and Designation) (ONE OUTSIDE EXPERT OF CONCERNED SUBJECT) 1. 2. 3. Date of Joining: Ph.D. registration No.: Date of Meeting: Time: VENUE OF ASSESSMENT/INTERVIEW: The Committee assessed the progress of the candidate through their presentation followed by interview and recommended as follows

(Satisfactory/Good/Very Good/Excellent) (Strike out whichever is not applicable) In view of the outstanding very good/satisfactory performance of the JRF, and also the fact that he/she has published work to his/her credit the committee makes the following recommendations. Mr./Mrs./Ms………………… ………………..may be upgraded from JRF to SRF w.e.f…………

Signature Date Name of the Supervisor

Signature Name Head of Department (Seal)

Signature Name Registrar/Director/Principal (Seal of University/Institution/College)

Signature out side Expert Date Name of the Expert 15

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Call for Papers

...Technology(IJAET) ISSN 2231-1963 CALL FOR PAPER IJAET is a carefully refereed international publication. Contributions of high technical merit are to span the breadth of Engineering disciplines; covering the main areas of engineering and advances in technology. IJAET publishes contributions under Regular papers, Invited review papers, Short communications, Technical notes, and Letters to the editor. Book reviews, reports of and/or call for papers of conferences, symposia and meetings could also be published in this Journal Author Benefits : • • • • • • Rapid publication Index Factors and Global education Index Ranking Inclusion in all major bibliographic databases Quality and high standards of peer review High visibility and promotion of your articles Access of publications in this journal is free of charge. PUBLICATION CHARGES: A small publication fee of INR3500 upto 10 pages is charged for Indian author and for foreign author is USD 100 upto 10 pages for every accepted manuscript to be published in this journal. All the transaction Charges will be paid by Author (Inter Banking Charges, draft). Submission Guidelines: Guidelines Authors are kindly invited to submit their full text papers including conclusions, results, tables, figures and references. • The text paper must be according to IJAET Paper format and paper format can download from our website ( Full text papers will be accepted in only .doc format. • The papers are sent to the reviewers for...

Words: 367 - Pages: 2

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Paper Brigguetes

...How to Make Charcoal from Paper By Karren Doll Tolliver, eHow Contributor Homemade paper charcoal briquettes can be used in backyard grills.  Commercial charcoal for grilling food is expensive and can be harmful to the environment. However, industrious do-it-yourselves can make their own "charcoal" from newspaper. This reduces the amount of newspaper refuse as well as the amount of commercial charcoal consumed. In addition, no lighter fluid is needed with the homemade charcoal paper. Therefore, petroleum-based products are also conserved. Making your own charcoal takes only water and a washtub. The time spent forming the charcoal paper briquettes is negligible, although they need to dry for a couple of days in the sun. Things You'll Need • Washtub • Water • Old newspaper Instructions 1 Tear the old newspaper into pieces about the size of your hand or smaller. 2 Place all the torn newspaper pieces in the washtub. Cover with water and let sit for at least one hour. The newspaper will be ready when it is thoroughly saturated with water and is mushy to the touch. 3 Grab a large handful of the mushy newspaper. Form it into a ball about the size of a golf ball or ping pong ball, squeezing out as much water as you can. Repeat until all the mushy newspaper is in ball form. Discard the water. 4 Place the wet newspaper balls in the sun for at least two days. Do not let them get rained on. They must be completely dry and brittle. At this point they are ready for use in the same...

Words: 1319 - Pages: 6

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Paper on Skin

...Leonie Oakes, ‘With Shadows that were their nightgowns’, 2012, maps, ephemera, antique paper, thread, letter press, screenprint, shellac, dye, ribbon. Model: Philly Hanson-Viney. Photographer: Bernie Carr Winner of 2012 Sustainable Fashion Award: Leonie Oakes, ‘With Shadows that were their nightgowns’, 2012, maps, ephemera, antique paper, thread, letter press, screenprint, shellac, dye, ribbon. Model: Philly Hanson-Viney. Photographer: Bernie Carr For the past 70 years Burnie has been a paper making town. The papermaking tradition is kept alive by local artists and artisans. Following the great success of the inaugural 2012 Paper on Skin competition, our aim is to further foster and promote the cultural paper heritage of our town by presenting innovative and wearable paper apparel. The competition celebrates Burnie's proud tradition as a papermaking town by presenting innovative contemporary wearable paper art. Burnie based artist, Pam Thorne, had for a long time harbored the idea of a competition for wearable paper art. In 2011 Pam and Burnie Arts Council approached the Burnie Regional Art Gallery with this idea. After some lively brain storming the paper on skin Betta Milk Burnie Wearable Paper Art Competition became a reality and the inaugural competition was held in May 2012. The success was such that the involved parties decided to make this a biennial event. The 2014 paper on skin Gala Parade & Award Evening was held on Friday 11 April. Betta Milk Major...

Words: 371 - Pages: 2

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Writing Papers

...the assumption that I would only have to compose simple paragraph papers while also learning the ropes of grammatical writing. I was sadly mistaken. Through the semester Josh gave the class five writing assignments. They ranged from three to five pages long. Out of all the writing assignments I received my favorite was a four page paper I had to write an allegory of myself. My least favorite was a five page paper the whole class had to write. About mid semester, when my hand only had a tingle, Josh lectured about Plato’s “A Allegory of the Cave.” Thus giving me my next challenging task he had in store. I had to compose an allegory of myself while explaining the concept of the Plato’s allegory. I had to dissect the symbolism in Plato’s allegory and prove how it coincided with my own allegory. What made this objective so interesting, yet so strenuous was the fact that my allegory had to be based upon a difficult time I have had in my life. My essay was littered with very detailed descriptors of my dreadful situation and Plato’s allegory. That is why this particular essay was my favorite. I8 was able to take a seemingly arduous task and break it down, in my own words, so that a reader would be able to comprehend “The Allegory of the Cave,” and still be able to relate to my allegory. The last essay due came just before my hand fell off. Before the class took our final exam we were obligated to write a five page paper as a whole. Josh told us we had to accomplish the task without his...

Words: 611 - Pages: 3