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Parental Accountability

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Parental Accountably Regarding Children’s Crimes
A controversial issue faced in the modern day court system of the United States is the level of accountability placed on a parent concerning crimes committed by their children. Most state laws impose civil liability for acts done maliciously or acts done knowingly and intentionally. Parents are blessed with the opportunity to teach their children how to behave and act civil but many choose to be lazy and not take it. Are these the parents who should be held accountable? How do you differentiate the parents who teach their kids and the ones who don’t? That’s the problem with the whole situation. You can’t tell the difference because people lie, whether it is the kids who know better and chooses …show more content…
Most states hold parents liable in civil court for contributing to the delinquency of their child. A lot of parents are against the financial responsibility that falls on them if they have a child who is unruly and causes injury to someone else or damages to their property. A parent should not be liable to the blame for their child’s decisions unless there is proof that the parent was involved and willfully committed the crime. If a parent is not involved in a bad act nor engages in a bad act without the mental state to support criminal culpability, the parent cannot be convicted of a crime. The repercussions of the acts of a child does not overlap into the parents lives and is not supported by the …show more content…
Parents are the caretakers of their children and they are expected to teach them right from wrong. They made the decision to bring the child into the world and should be held responsible for their actions morally and legally. A person under the age of eighteen is known as a minor due to the fact that he or she is unable to make full adult decisions. A parent or guardian has the unabridged responsibility to take care of the things that needs to be done to or for their child. A parent or guardian is morally responsible for their child’s actions because they should be teaching them what is right from wrong. As such, it is believed that parents start shaping the child’s moral compass from a young age and one’s moral compass is greatly influenced by the parents’ behavior and character. This causes them to be responsible for the child when he or she commits crimes later on since they are seen to not have provided the child with the right moral education. A few people have gone as far as saying the parents' lack of control over their kid’s means parents should be held criminally

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Administrative Accountability

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