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James Clayton Biography

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As a proponent of indie films and enterprising actors, there is practically nothing better than having the opportunity to discover actors with whom I was previously unfamiliar. In the case of James Clayton, when I screened CANDiLAND, that was my first exposure to this amazing industry professional. Recently, James agreed to answer a few questions concerning his entrance into the profession, his notable works, and even what he believes (hopes) his future may hold for him.

Photo Credit Kevin Clark Photography
RH: Why did you decide to become an actor? What kind of training have you received?

JC: I've acted my entire life, but didn't conceive of it as a career until I was about sixteen. At that time, I jumped right in and started auditioning. I didn't have any formal training and was relying purely on instinct. When I was around the age of seventeen, a good friend of mine, director Adam Smolok, gave me a book written by the great acting teacher Stella Adler (she taught Marlon Brando), and it really opened up my mind to the possibilities of the craft.

When I moved to …show more content…
I was sixteen. So it was pretty overwhelming. Kathryn Bigelow and Harrison Ford were there. Very few get a chance to see living legends work first hand. I remember the whole experience as electrifying. There was an energy on set. Though, I would say the biggest thing I remember from both of them was their sense of ease. They just enjoyed what they did. That made a lasting impression on me. That same lesson was re-inforced a couple years later when I was doing some stand-in work for a film called A Bear Called Winnie. I was on the job very briefly. This young actor I was standing in for had this amazing sense of ease around him. He was extremely affable and was like a laser when they called action. He went on to become Michael Fassbender. So at a very young age, I was blessed enough to observe these great actors work. It really informed my own

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