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No Lunch Left Behind Analysis

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Ever took a glance around a room or even at a stop to the grocery store and noticed a large amount of overweight people? In todays world obesity has become one of the main reasons for the rise of deadly diseases. America has the highest numbers of obese people in the world ranging from kids all the way to elders. Obesity is occurring more in teenagers and young adults than any age group. There are many reasons for this epidemic including self control that people do not understand yet, but possibly can be educated if willing to. Many blame the fast food joints, while others say its the persons choice to be or not to be obese. In order to fix the obesity epidemic in teens and young adults major changes must be done so that the threats of dying before the older generation can be vanished by just having the common knowledge about health and a change in their lifestyle.
Educating teens about the risks of obesity and the benefits of being healthy can play a major role in stopping the obesity epidemic.Alice Waters, author of No Lunch Left Behind presents a valid point when she suggests that “We …show more content…
This is invalid because many peoples excuse for eating wrong is the fact that it is too expensive to buy what is healthy. So if we lower the prices then more people will be grateful for finally being able to afford what is healthy for the entire family. While taxing the bad food will make it more difficult for people to keep purchasing the unhealthy food. People will also argue that taxing the bad food will make it harder for people to save money because the unhealthy food will still be bought. Not as many people will buy the bad food due to the fact that it would not be affordable to most Americans. Logically people will realize that it is cheaper to eat healthy and beneficial for the wallet as well. Taxing bad food is without a doubt beneficial financially and

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