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Inquiry Process Analysis

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The inquiry process is an act of asking for information about a topic or problem. When inquiring, you are also seeking truth and knowledge. This process is an open-ended exploration for evidence and an appropriate approach to the generation of ideas and conclusions. The scientific method is very similar to the inquiry process. Inquiry always begins with a topic or problem to be explored. The first step of the inquiry process is to ask questions about the topic or problem. Second, you need to investigate solutions discovered by the questions, which will be used to solve the initial problem. The third step to inquiring is to create new knowledge in your brain about the topic of focus. Fourth, meet with people who have knowledge of this topic and discuss the experiences and discoveries to this point in the inquiry process. To conclude the inquiry process, the final step is to reflect on everything you have learned throughout the process. The …show more content…
In this article I learned that the best places for me to live and work as a construction manager are Winchester, Virginia, Newark, New Jersey, and San Francisco, California. The average annual salary for these United States cities is upwards of $140,000 per year, in comparison to the national average of almost $94,000 per year. The second article I used to help me answer one of my career exploration questions was an article about the living classes in the United States economy, showing the annual incomes of homes for them to be considered living in poverty, the lower middle class, middle class, upper middle class or upper class (Alhanati 2017). Since the average salary for this occupation is almost $94,000 annually, I would consider myself in the middle of the middle class, but very close to the upper middle class of society. Living in either of these two economic classes should make my family stable

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