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Parents In Jail Research Paper

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When at an early age, children don't have much control over their lives nor do they have control or an influence on the people around them and their actions. It is sad that at such a young age they might experience one or both of their parents going to jail or prison. One might think that the child is not affected by the removal of one or both parents from their lives as long as they still have someone to care for them but that is not true. Children with one or both parents in jail or prison are extremely affected emotionally, academically, and socially.
Today prisons are overcrowded and over two million male and female Americans are in jail or prison. Two thirds of those people incarcerated are parents. Approximately two million children are separated from their mom or dad because of incarceration. These children suffer from poverty, inconsistency in caregivers, separation from siblings, reduced education, increased risk for substance abuse, alcoholism and incarceration themselves.
Furthermore, in midyear 2007 it was estimated that 52% of state inmates and 63% of federal inmates reported having about 1,706,600 children under the age of 18. That number of children account for 2.3% of the U.S. resident population under 18 years of age. From 1991 to 2007 the number of parents in …show more content…
For example, Anita’s 14-year-old daughter has become extremely defiant, and has developed a violent “rap sheet” of her own." (Allard, 2012). Children of incarcerated parents are at higher risk for behavioral problems than their peers. Because children may not feel trust or staibability they may not speak about their feelings, but instead act them out. This leads to behavioral problems that may reuslt from their confussion, anger, and frustration. The child can act out and have bad relationships with classmates and teachers as well as their

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