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Parkinson Disease Research Paper

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Understanding the scope of mental disease and their treatment can be beneficial for families that have one or two of their members suffering from a mental disease. According to (Chaudhuri, Clough, Sethi, 2011), it is estimated that Parkinson affects “1% of 70-year-olds, but is also seen in younger people, with 10% of cases occurring before the age of 50). Although, Parkinson disease is incurable despite all the new innovations occurring in the medicine field to help eliminate treacherous disorders; however, medications available can remarkably improve the intense side effects of Parkinson. Parkinson is a neurological disorder of brain and spinal cord, which affects the motor system “sometimes the disease is referred to as the “shaking …show more content…
13). According to Abramovitz (2005), Parkinson was born in London, England, 1755 and became a physician in 1785 and was a skilled and dedicated doctor, wrote many books on medical issues, the first time Parkinson disease was introduced was from his essay on “shaking palsy.” This paper will discuss Parkinson’s disorder systematically to serve as a guide for people with Parkinson’s, their families, partners, friends and anyone else who may be interested.
Parkinson’s disease is a chronic neurodegenerative disorder. Therefore, this disease continues to affect a person and will not go away. It also is a progressive disorder, in other words, the symptoms could get worst if not taken seriously. According to Ambramovitz, “No one, not a physician or anyone else, can accurately predict how, or how quickly, the disease will progress in a specific individual” (p. 13). Parkinson’s disease is caused by a loss of certain cells in the central nervous system. The central nervous system (CNS) is made up of neurons in the brain and spinal cord. Neurons are how the brain and spinal cord communicate within the body, there are three types of neurons: sensory, motor, and interneurons. In Parkinson’s mainly the motor neurons are affected.

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